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    Edajima Den vol. 08 ch. 43 (Manga)

    Here’s chapter 43 (Edajima Den manga): MediaFire

    1421-HIT COMBO!
    I’ll just leave this here… Let’s hope Edajima is able to curse them to hell. Because he is a man, and he knows a thing about science.

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    2 responses to “Edajima Den vol. 08 ch. 43 (Manga)”

    1. Doge Soldier says:

      Wow, I just finished reading this story and, men, do I need to regale you another of my War Journal entries. It was around 2006 when my strike force was commisioned to take down one of Senator Mendieta many tropical island gulags. As we ventured inside the unholy complex, we realized they were making cyborg trolls, atomic sharknado bombs and a time machine to assist the Third Reich to win (which of course was all part of the Great Martian Imperator agenda but more on that later…eventually). We then followed the basterds with the help of Dr. Brown and put an end to this rewrite of history although there was a slight chance we actually kickstarted the Cold War. Well, cant win them all but as Commander Chaos once told me while riding a T-Rex with nuke bomb teeth towards a meteorite : “Life is a box of seinen mangas, you never know which ones are of high quality but it is worth finding that out”.

    2. Ryo says:

      Edajima is in deep shit, deep deep shit.
      Perhaps the deepest shit he’s ever been into.

      But he’ll make it.

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