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    Edajima Den vol.02 ch.09 (Manga)

    Here’s chapter 9 (Edajima Den manga): MediaFire

    127-HIT COMBO!
    The thought police have Wang, and only Edajima can save him from 1984! Plus, a cameo of a historical figure, taking all guesses as to who it is; answers will be revealed in the next chapter! And thanks to kazuhiko1412 for offering to finish up the volume!

    In all honesty, though, this chapter is really shitty. You’ll see what I mean.

    Scroll down for SnK and Violence Jack!

    We are in the process of moving our links to another sharing site, but we are experiencing technical difficulties. Please bear with us, and PLEASE HELP US SEED our torrents in the meantime.

    It has been pointed out to us that our release of Raoh Den: Jun’ai no Sho was not the director’s cut, as we had been led to believe (thanks to Bellum for catching that). Drax is helping us out with this little problem, so expect the proper version real soon!

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    5 responses to “Edajima Den vol.02 ch.09 (Manga)”

    1. yoman says:

      mmm more edajima goodenss

    2. Gegegeno... says:

      Thanks! Been waiting for this. Looking forward to more of Edajima! I guess the cameo is the Emperor, but it doesn’t make sense for him to wear such foreign clothes?

    3. ggsewpl2 says:


    4. Gegegeno... says:

      Hmmm i think THAT guy is a Chinese Emperor or something, but then i don’t know a single dynyasty that has been ruling for over 2 thousand years? “Only Edajima can save him from 1984”, from 1984? Btw that guy that Edajima saved – that has to be Onihige?

      Btw nice sumo appearance (though that guy didn’to do shit), with all the Aa Harimanada hype going on right now (at least on my side). Funny thing is i’ve just seen episode 13 of Beelzebub and Hilda explained that she enjoyed watching soap operas and at that moment there was a scene with two sumo fighters (maybe it’s a reference to some famous sumo fight).

    5. SystematicChaos says:

      1984 was just me making a joke about the thought police.

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