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    Kinnikuman episode 28 (Anime)

    Here’s episode 28 of the Kinnikuman anime!

    AVI RF | MKV RF | AVI & MKV Torrent

    120-HIT COMBO!
    More of that show you all know and love! This episode really makes you wonder how big the Chojin Olympics’ budget is… But at least they’re spelling Olympic right for once!

    Scroll down for some SnK and Spider-Man!

    Due to MultiUpload’s utter stupidity, we’re going to be trying a number of different filehosts to see which one best suits our purposes. We’ll start off with Refile.net. Please give feedback as soon as possible!

    It has been pointed out to us that our release of Raoh Den: Jun’ai no Sho was not the director’s cut, as we had been led to believe (thanks to Bellum for catching that). Drax is helping us out with this little problem, so expect the proper version real soon!

    Read our Rules Section right HERE to avoid disemvowelment, deletion or worse!

    8 responses to “Kinnikuman episode 28 (Anime)”

    1. Destroyer Ring says:

      I just downloaded this new episode of Kinnikuman and I must say that ReFile did a good job hosting it. Speed was not magic but it was quite fast.

      Lets all pray to the Hokuto Gods that this server is not taken down.

    2. kanji_xiii says:

      Nice work guys, once I found the correct download button it was down in no time :OP

    3. IxenHeart says:

      Only small gripe with ReFile was that it took me a while to figure out which of the download buttons was the correct one.

    4. Plex0r says:

      Ok, I really want to say thanks for all the effort you guys have put in to the last 120 days and I must say I can’t even keep up. That being said I am genuinely and literally concerned about the HnG team’s health. How can you keep this up? Don’t you have families and day jobs? I really am concerned. It’s true that this must be a labour of love but don’t hurt yourselves! It’s OK to take a breather!

    5. SystematicChaos says:

      I think we have a winner for the HnG Comment Awards I just made up. Your comment literally made me smile.

      I appreciate your concern, but we’re alright. I can’t speak for the others, but I’m a college student who’s consistently ahead of his studies, so I have plenty of time to spare.

    6. Dead Cousin Ted says:

      Appreciated as always!

    7. Chris says:

      Thanks, you guys, for your dedication and hard work.

      About Refile: I’ve never heard of them before, but the process of getting the file seems pretty easy. Download speed topped out at about 1.3 MB/s, though it’s hovering between that and 800 KB/s.

      Thank you again!

    8. Ator Ash says:

      Hello How are you? You will continue with the project *-*? Thanks

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