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    Kengan Asura chapter 236 (Manga)

    Here’ chapter 236 (Kengan Asura manga): MediaFire

    2661-HIT COMBO!
    Well, at least one main character got the happy ending he deserved. As for the other, good night sweet prince, and as for all the other characters, we’ll see you in the sequel. And… that… is… a… WRAP! Four months of daily releases are finally over in this huge milestone for HnG! Now, if you’ll indulge me for a minute, I’d like to give my closing thoughts.

    I’m sure that there are a lot of people who were brought to this page by Kengan, and a lot of you who have been fans for a while, but to all reading here, I’d like to talk about translating and what it means to me. To me, translating is all about sharing. I’ve always been someone who loves to share things. If I read a good book, I have the urge to get others to read it. If I watch a good movie, I want to watch it with my friends. I send my friends and family links to funny videos and memes that make me laugh. The more meaningful something is to me, or the more emotions I feel from it, the more I want other people to experience the same thing for themselves. These shared experiences have always been one of the ways I connect with people. So when I got into anime, and started watching series that didn’t have fansubs, I wanted to share them with my friends. The problem was that the friends I most wanted to share them with couldn’t understand Japanese. Language became a barrier to me sharing my experience with them. With that in mind, the way to break down that barrier was translation. So starting with sharing anime with my friends, then eventually joining this group and growing it to where it is today, translation has always been a means to share the experiences of things I love with people who couldn’t otherwise. This is why I don’t translate popular (read: readily available) series, and why I don’t make any profit off of scanlating or fansubbing. To me, sharing manga with people who couldn’t otherwise read it is its own reward.

    Fast forward to the spring of 2015. I was browsing Tsutaya, as I do, when I see a bunch of covers with interesting artwork of different colorful characters. I tried to make out the title, memorized it, and then as soon as I got home I searched the internet for this manga titled “Kengan Asura”. To my surprise, not only was it not scanlated, barely anybody was even talking about it. And when I opened up the first volume I got (volume 10), I was floored by an amazing fight between a sumo wrestler and a pro wrestler that just kept taking twists and turns, never once toning down the excitement, and with amazing writing to boot. While I usually stick to older series, I knew I just had to share this series. So I hit up Kazuhiko1412, whom I’d worked with for a long time and who had similar tastes to me, and we started translating it. And it didn’t take long for it to become the most popular series we translated. While I’m used to and content with translating the obscure that’s only enjoyed by a niche audience, one of my greatest joys over the past nearly four years has been looking up various parts of the Internet for people’s reactions to this manga. While I of course appreciated the thanks for the translations, what mattered to me more is that through my translations, I was able to share something I love with you, and connect with you, even if it’s in the most parasocial and superficial manner. And seeing all the reactions especially to yesterday’s chapter just blew me away.

    Now this ride is over, and our work is done, so I’d like to thank the people that brought us here. First off, there’s Kazuhiko1412, who helped me start this and fought through health issues and family problems for half of the series. Next, our first redrawers, Aiolia, Dingo07897, and Akromata, whose help was essential in bringing this from a monthly-or-so release to a weekly release, and TA, whom Kazu commissioned to draw that kickass art piece we’ve used as the credits page ever since. Then there’s Jackladd, who approached me midway to check my translations and whom I’ve relied on as a second set of eyes on my scripts ever since. And finally, the group we formed to pull off the absolutely insane daily release schedule for the past four months, unofficially called the Kengan Strike Force: Stray and Tambur on typesetting, the former of which has balanced this with herding cats on the Kengan Discord (which is open again!), and to handle the hair-pullingly difficult task of redrawing, Jackladd brought in Fog, who in turn brought in a team including Toretto, TheShittyWiz, Dixchat, Alisson, and Banana. The simple fact is that I couldn’t have shared this manga with you without the help of all of these fine people, and we’re only here because of them, so be sure to give them a hand!

    And lastly, I’d like to have a word to good friend of the site, Ichido Reichan from the Wild Fang Project. Normally this would be where I would do my posturing and my gloating with that Otokojuku screencap of Tazawa giving the finger, and when you made your declaration that you’d snipe the series from us and finish it by the end of the year, a younger and more foolish me might have tried to rally the forces of the Hokuto army to stop you. But seeing how things have gone over the past few months, with how you’ve conducted yourself online with nary a public mention from me on this site until now, while we not only accomplished what you said you would do, but did so without sacrificing quality, without stopping our regular projects until this past week, without asking for money or even checking the state of our donations, there’s honestly nothing that I could’ve done to you that you haven’t already done to yourself. And so, I leave you only with the words of T.S. Eliot, slightly arranged by me:

    This is the way the Wild Fang ends
    Not with a bang, but a whimper

    Now, for the rest of you, thank you so much for all your support and being one of the best fandoms I’ve had the pleasure of being a part of and contributing to. I look forward to seeing you in the sequel, which we do plan to translate (we will not be subbing the anime though), and I hope that you’ll stick around for more anime and manga that I want to share with all of you. But for now, enjoy the epilogue!

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    25 responses to “Kengan Asura chapter 236 (Manga)”

    1. Anon says:

      Thank you for all your work over the months and making Kengan threads an enjoyable daily experience!

    2. Kengan forevee says:

      Thank you so much for all your hard work, an epic manga delivered to us by a legendary team. I have shared this manga with all my manga reading friends off the back of the quality you gentlemen have delivered in your redrawing typesetting (dat typesetting tho) and translation. Thank you again! And best of luck with your future projects, you guys are no my list of favs

    3. anon says:

      Thank you so much! and FUCK wild fang

    4. Garchi says:

      Thanks for all of your hard work and hope to see you on the sequel, good luck guys!


    5. Shiwomizh says:

      You guys did an amazing job ! Thank you.

    6. @SmokeyEsoragoto says:

      Thank you from Belgium for you great work. Reading this manga bring me a lot of energy in my everyday life. It’s was like my drug haha. Each day I was waiting for your translation !

      Best wishes :)

    7. Alejandro Gordillo says:

      Many many thanks for you HnG, for let us know about this amazing story!!! Best

    8. Baldulf says:

      Thank you very much for everything

      And not only for the massive work of the last months but for letting me know this fantastic series existed in the first place.

    9. Mad Vulcan says:

      Some of the best subs I have ever read and the manga wouldnt be the same without them. Thank you for all the hard work HnG <3!

    10. Jet says:

      Thank you guys so much.

    11. Lvondas says:

      Incredible work. Probably one of the greatest scanlations of all time.

    12. punpun says:

      Main I remember sharing some of the first 10 chapters on the /r/manga subreddit back in 2015 only getting about 5 comments each. Seeing the overtime growth of this amazing underread series was a damn cool experience, absolutely amazing seeing chapters reach 200+ comments of rich discussion and people expressing their hype!

      Thank you to all the team! See you in the sequel!

    13. Fowly says:

      Thank you so much for your hard work, one scan per day is really INSANE!
      I discovered Kengan Asura thanks to you and it was probably one of the best mangas I’ve ever read
      This was quite a ride, and I hope you keep scanlating awesome mangas!

    14. M says:

      Thank you from India! Love your work and can’t say how thankful we all are for your promptness and kindness. We would have never read this god send of a manga that is Kengan Asura, if you hadn’t put the effort into delivering it to us. Arigato!

    15. mauricio says:

      May i ask if there a post on how the process of do daily chapter was? cause i can only imagine do a chapter a day was tiresome, but want to know Behind the scene of what else it took do finish a chapter? thanks

    16. ravelllino says:

      just really thanks for all the amazing work

    17. Jon says:

      Any chance you’ll do
      https://mega.nz/#!fU0AzAZQ!cE4TSSSVb9P2j2ZOwL6R97qjjNYfd63T7pHJU2_y3S4 these and any bonuses in the next volume?

    18. maraxusofk says:

      I always knew you guys were the best. Started on here with the hnk gaidens ( i remember waiting whst felt like years for the toki ans juuza gaidens to finish) then with snk, and now kengan asura
      props as always and really appreciate all you do

    19. Siol says:

      Thank you for sharing with us this incredible manga !

    20. SPN says:

      First manga I’ve ever read – and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Thankyou.

    21. DekaBlack says:

      Thanks for your very hard work!

      i came here after readinh Hokuto No Ken, searching for Souten No Ken. And then i tried a couple of another projects. And another, and another…

      So… you made me recover my relationship with manga, in facty. So is a double thanks!

    22. kat says:

      Thank you so much for everything! I began following Kengan around chapter 15 and its been a wild ride and I kind of wish it never ended.
      as again, thank you for everything!

      happy 2019 and beyond guys!

    23. Γιωργος Τζωρτζακης says:

      This has been a very joyful ride. Thank you for the speedy releases of this awesome manga. Hope to have your quality content in the sequel as well. :)

    24. BerserkerDog says:

      Thank you so much for your hard work, from Venezuela!

    25. maute50 says:

      Thank you very much for all your hard work put into this wonderful series to share, I’m really happy to read!!

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