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    Kengan Asura vol. 02 ch. 14 (Manga)

    Here’s chapter 14 (Kengan Asura manga): MediaFire

    1494-HIT COMBO!
    Pay attention, punks, and don’t touch that dial, cause the showdown of a lifetime is coming up this Sunday! Sunday! Sunday! A fight that’s so hardcore, our lawyers told us we should cancel it, so we cancelled their lives! It’s gonna be a slugfest of brutal proportions as undefeated master of disaster Sekibayashi Jun has his title challenged by our hero, the one and only Tokita OhmaJOHN CENA! There’ll be kicks, punches, and throws that’ll blow your mind so hard, you’ll go back in time to when the match started so you can see it all over again! So ready yourself for the greatest hard-on of your lives as your mind is loaded with rocket fuel of pure testosterone and your will takes nosedive before this manly fight! Only available on paper-view.

    URGENT RECRUITMENT: We’re trying to fast-track this manga due to the recent announcement of an anime being in the works, but it’s quite a burden on our editor Kazu because of the elaborate redraws. So we could use some help. If you are good with photoshop and can clean text and redraw the art under text, just comment here and you can help us speed this along!

    Read our Rules Section right HERE to avoid disemvowelment, deletion or worse!

    5 responses to “Kengan Asura vol. 02 ch. 14 (Manga)”

    1. tkmrtrllfc says:

      Wht y rlly nd ppl s typsttr, fndng n dtr s qt hrd… f y’v gt mr typsttrs, y wn’t b stllng n rlsng nm!

      • takamuratrollface says:

        Why making my reply sounding like a troll?

      • Destroyer Ring says:

        Look, Mr. Trollface (come on! you use that in your name and cry wolf when you are pretty much trolling?), if you so much want an answer to why your early comment got disemvoweled, then I will be happy to oblige. What you posted earlier, regardless of its intentions, could be considered as pretentious and slightly looking down on our staff. True, as of these days, we are pretty much understaffed but what we lack in tons of staff members, we make up with a burning passion so forgive me if, in representation of HNG, feel a little bit offended that you think our lack of staff is stalling the anime releases. Just like Ken-Oh said “A good wine should be savored”, so do our releases, cuz believe it, brother, they are worth the wait.

        You should know that our whole staff from translator to typesetters work more than the midnight oil on the very mangas/anime HNG has been proud to deliver to the masses FOR FREE. We have been doing this non-stop and it will be a cold day in hell when we miss a deadline but here is the thing, skipper : We are mortal humans and we also have to tend to our personal lives with all its ups and downs. Stalling has never part of some secret agenda or a puerile attempt of payback, it is just the result of life been, well, unexpected. We are fervent followers of never dropping any manganime regardless of personal bias but what we are not is automatons obeying all kinds of commands or whims from our readership.

        So, in case we are dealing with a practicioner of the Teal Deer style of fighting (the “Too Long, Didnt Read” pathos), we at HNG of course need getting more staff members but what we do, we do it with love, it is just that we need our space as well. We are not slaves, we are scanlators.

        • takamuratrollface says:

          Trust me, it’s not the first time that I use this nickname lol But anyways, I didn’t mean to offend you, I just want it to give you guys a piece of advice, that’s all!

          Because I used to be a fansubber (Solo) and I can understand the struggle that you are in.

          • SystematicChaos says:

            Thanks for your reply. I understand that you did not mean anything wrong. However, I would like to say a few things.

            First off, your advice was unsolicited. Just in general, it’s never really a good idea to offer someone advice when they don’t ask for it. It has a high chance of offending people.

            Secondly, your advice was offered with complete ignorance of what our current situation is, and what our priorities are. There is currently no anime project being stalled due to a lack of typesetters. There are other reasons for that (mostly being swamped timers and translation checkers). If we were in need of typesetters, I would ask for typesetters, like I have in the past. I am asking for redrawers here because that is specifically what we need to fast-track this project (Kengan Asura), and the typesetter who is currently doing the redraws has specified that he would prefer to have another person handling the redraws for this series. This is a project I want fast-tracked because it is an ongoing and popular manga in Japan that has gotten little to no exposure in the English-speaking world, and I want to allow more people to read it, and possibly catch up if we can, however unlikely that is. Not to say that I don’t care that our anime is stalled, but at this point there’s not a whole lot I can do about that, since I’m not about to cast aside a dedicated staff member just because their real life is too busy.

            So if you don’t mind holding off on giving advice when you don’t know the details of our situation, that would be great. Thanks!

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