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    Kinnikuman episode 53 (Anime)

    Here’s episode 53 of the Kinnikuman anime!

    AVI FC | MKV FC | AVI & MKV Torrent

    852-HIT COMBO!
    OK, so you get stuck in a black hole, what do you do apart from folding your arms looking at the audience for tips and suggestions? Time to find out in today’s episode and get ready as things are gonna be set in motion!

    DONATION DRIVE: Okay, folks, this donation drive is going to be a little bit different from our other ones that we’ve done in the past, but this is kind of an emergency. As you may or may not have heard, kazuhiko1412’s computer broke down and he’s in need of a new one, but that’s proving to be a little difficult for him to do on his own due to getting shafted at work. And with him having a pivotal role in series such as Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo, Tatakae!! Ramenman, Sabu and Ichi, Ultimate Path and other Miyashita series, Be-bop High School, and several others, those series will have to be stalled without him! So if you want to see more of those series, please consider donating and helping a brother out! Also, with LoH gone AWOL at the moment, be sure to make the donations at HappyScans if you want them to go towards this drive! Thank you for your help, and hopefully this’ll be the first and last time we do something like this!
    Goal: $350
    Current: $200
    Remaining: $150
    Thanks to Adkins for his generous donation! Past halfway there, people!

    We’re looking for a few good men! Editors, timers, and Japanese transcribers, to be exact!

    Read our Rules Section right HERE to avoid disemvowelment, deletion or worse!

    5 responses to “Kinnikuman episode 53 (Anime)”

    1. Kevin says:

      Hell yeah, more Kinnikuman!

    2. ninjacloud says:

      Thanks for doing another ep of this awesome anime :D

    3. JustSumDude says:

      In this episode, Terryman physically abuses his woman. He pimp slaps her.

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