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    Sucktacular Spider-man 4-Volume Release Shitstravaganza!!!!! (Manga)

    Here’s volume 2 (Spider-man manga): MediaFire
    Here’s volume 3 (Spider-man manga): MediaFire
    Here’s volume 4 (Spider-man manga): MediaFire
    Here’s volume 5 (Spider-man manga): MediaFire

    Yes, it's this bad.

    601-HIT COMBO!
    Well, here it is. The wait is over, and Spider-man is done. Now I would encourage all of you to go and find something else to read today so you don’t have to read this pile of steaming shit.

    It’s not often that I discourage anyone from reading one of our translations. Most of the time we try and bring you the best forgotten titles, and there’s stuff like Violence Jack which I personally don’t like but I can see the appeal to some. But this is the one time I break that trend and say, loudly and plainly: DO NOT READ THIS MANGA! IF YOU DO, YOU WILL REGRET IT!

    Seriously, stay away from this, especially if you’re a fan of the character of Spider-man! There is absolutely no semblance to the comic book character, and even if you’re not such a big fan of the web-slinger, the stories are boring and godawful and filled with teen angst, melodrama, and a Spider-man who jerks off, fantasizes about mass destruction, wallows in self-doubt, fights more gangbangers than supervillains, and pretty much does everything but save people! This shit sucks so much ass, it makes One More Day look like The Night Gwen Stacy Died! And granted, the artwork is pretty nice, but come on! Would you really subject yourself to this suckquake for the artwork? If you want good artwork, read, oh, I dunno, literally anything else Ikegami has ever drawn! He’s done some pretty great stuff with Buronson, some of which have official translations.

    Never before have I translated anything that I’ve lacked enjoyment in as much as this. I had no idea what I was getting myself into when I agreed to translate this. I actually have never read any manga or comic in general that’s this bad. The only reason we’ve even completed this shit-pile that calls itself a manga is to show you all how dedicated we are to finishing everything we start and not dropping things.

    Well, now that I’ve got all that out of my system, I’d like to thank the people who suffered with me in this project: DestroyerRing for proofreading, and Wright, Crazyankan, Ani_, and A1Oner for alternately editing. Oh, and for Morten from Offtopia, for picking up this project without knowing anything about it, stringing us along for over a year, then fucking quitting on us leaving us up a creek without a paddle… Well, Tazawa’s got something he’d like to say to you.

    And that’s it from me! Tune in tomorrow for something better!

    Don’t forget to visit HappyScans’ website!

    P.S. If anyone has a physical copy of this manga, a couple of our staff would really love it if you burned it, took a video, and put it on Youtube!

    We’re looking for a few good men! Editors, timers, and Japanese transcribers, to be exact!

    Read our About & FAQ tab before the thought of commenting even crosses your mind!

    17 responses to “Sucktacular Spider-man 4-Volume Release Shitstravaganza!!!!! (Manga)”

    1. SpiritofHokuto20xx says:

      Love the screencap for this! Never would’ve realized that they would mess up Spiderman like that.

    2. christop17 says:

      Shit dude, I guess I an’t wasting my time.

    3. SofaKingAC says:

      Wow, this post. My sympathies to all involved (and kudos for sticking with it).

    4. kuja-trance says:

      I was not going to read this, but after this post I will give it a try


    5. Destroyer Ring says:

      Remember this, kids, with a great power comes a great….chance Spiderman will end up going all cuckoo for cocoa puffs…and chaos, lots of chaos!

      Mangas like this get to show you that not even titans like Ryoichi Ikegami can save you from excessive 70s psycho-social mumbo jumbo on ze writing.

    6. Doomroar says:


      im gonna read this just to know how much you all suffered.

    7. Maute50 says:

      Thank you very much for all the hard work you did to share this wonderful series, I’m really happy to read!!

    8. Thanks for all yur hard work… and i hope yur suffering is soon left behind.

    9. neitan says:

      I’m gonna read it just because all the hard work you put it.

    10. wq3 says:

      I’m not sure it would please you to hear that someone actually likes the manga but I’ll go on record and mention that I do. Takes a departure from the main plot? Treat it as a spinoff. Teen drama? Expected from a protagonist still in high school. Wallows in self-doubt? Look at issue #9 of Superior Spider-Man. “There is absolutely no semblance to the comic book character” I must disagree. Despite the odd plot, it’s the same conflicted, troubled, tragic hero I grew up with. I thank you deeply for having completed this project.

    11. Qate says:

      Such a waste so much efforts would go on a crappy series no one wven liked, while many gems waiting for some love, for what? Pride!
      Sometimes the strength lie in making decisions for the overall good, but anyways. A man gotta do what a man gotta do!

    12. SystematicChaos says:

      Thanks for your concern, Qate… I’ll have you know, though, most of the people who worked on Spider-man are uninvolved with the gems waiting for love you speak of, or are not responsible for their delays. We didn’t just sit back and decide “Hey we should waste efforts on a crappy series no one even likes and stall the gems waiting for some love”. No, it was more of a “Well, all the ‘gems waiting for some love’ teams are tied up, may as well get this crappy series no one even liked out of the way.”

      • Qate says:

        By gems I didn’t mean any series you are currently doing,they will be updated eventually, but to your (un)wise judgement to choose, from the 100000+ mangas out there.
        While the team didn’t even like this shit, they still did it for a silly reason as such we don’t drop series, lol logic.
        Cheers mate!

        • SystematicChaos says:

          Well okay, since you clearly have some series that you want to see translated, I recommend you go to your local university, start studying Japanese, find some teammates, and DO. THEM. YOURSELF.

          Translation: Whatever projects we decide to work on, it’s entirely up to us, and you, who don’t help out in any way, have no right to criticize our choices.

    13. Ken Arromdee says:

      I’ll have to agree with wq3. It’s not the best manga in existence, but as a Japanese attempt to do Spider-Man, there’s more to it that’s Spider-Man-ish than just the costume. Spider-Man, at least Spider-Man decades ago when this manga was made, has always been half Spider-Man fighting crooks and half Spider-Man wallowing in misery and doubt and having problems like the ones shown in this manga (at least in V1, I haven’t read the rest yet). It may not be emphasized as much in modern Spider-Man, but read any 1960’s story where Spider-Man has to pay for his aunt’s medicine and tell me this isn’t true to the spirit of that comic.

    14. SystematicChaos says:

      Well… You’re free to have your own opinion on this manga, but I can see why you’d think it’s faithful to the Spider-man comic if you’ve only read the first volume. The first volume was passable if not good, and it’s what made me agree to translate this in the first place. It’s a little bit of a darker and more realist take on Spider-man than the comics at the time, but for the most part they stuck to adapting stories from the comics.

      Then around halfway through volume 2, Kazumasa Hirai took over as the writer… and that’s where it stopped being Spider-man and started being Wolf Guy in a Spider-man suit. They got extremely heavy-handed on the social issues, Komori stopped saving people, and things took more of the tone of “Everybody is horrible and deserves to die.”

      A huge part of Peter Parker’s character throughout the comic is that he always tries to save people no matter what. Anyone he fails to save, or dies because of him, haunts him forever. This is just as much true about people close to him like Uncle Ben and Gwen Stacy as it is for villains like Norman Osborn. But there’s one part in this manga where Komori just straight up tells someone “No one can save you now” and just walks away. If you can manage to convince me that’s consistent with the Marvel Spider-man, I will be very impressed.

    15. Ken Arromdee says:

      Well, if the writer changed after the part that I read, and the bad part comes from the new writer, there’s not much I can say, since I’m going by an unrepresentative sample.

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