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    SnK Episode 21 (Anime)

    LoverOfHokuto(Avatar)Here’s Episode 21 of the SnK anime:
               Torrent | MegaUpload

    Here’s another episode of SnK!
    Don’t expect too much action in this episode, because it’s just another filler DVD only release. The good news is we can now officially start the countdown to the end of the series, because we’ve only got 5 episodes left! So without further ado…5…

    EDIT – Aarrgghhh! I found some problems in the Kenshiro Den encode, so it’s back to the encoding stage again :( Don’t worry though, we’ll hopefully have another encode tomorrow!
    EDIT1 – Encoding should be coming in 12 hours or so! Since we have this time, could you guys help us by voting on which font you prefer best HERE

    PS – Like our stuff? Don’t forget to visit our forum for more Hokuto goodness http://hokutonogun.invisionzone.com

    22 responses to “SnK Episode 21 (Anime)”

    1. Mick Hamblen says:

      So why was this posted on Tokyo Toshokan before here?

    2. Because Toshin (our torrent guy) must have posted it while I was out today.

    3. Grenkaiser01 says:

      Hi, Thank you so much you’re the only one subbing this. One question, after you’re done with Souten no Ken…Are you going to start with the movies or are you going to move on to Raoh’s series?? Personally I think you should move on to raoh’s since the rest of the movies have already been subbed but this great series is the only animation left of Hokuto that hasn’t been subbed.

      Anyway, Thank you so much for all the hard work on.
      Thank you so much

    4. Hi there,
      We’ll start on the Raoh series, but I might try and do the movies in my spare time because only 2 of them were subbed well.

    5. DarkGuyver says:

      Sorry to hear about the problem with the encoding process! Please take you time with the release of Kenshiro Den.

      Personally I would like to see Hokuto No Gun release all the Shin Kyuseishuu Densetsu Hokuto No Ken movies and OVAs. I prefer to have the full collection done by 1 fansub group.

    6. zamunda says:

      First thanks for another episode. I’ll be glad if we get to see the OVAS first, their art is much closer to the original than the Raoh spinoff.

    7. kaleyboy says:

      Thanks for all the hard work!

    8. Don’t worry guys, you will get the movies/OVAs, but we also want to do the Raoh series because it, unlike the Movies/OVAs, was never subbed. We’ve also got lots of manga to do too, so we kind of the prioritize the stuff that hasn’t seen the light of day as opposed to those that have.

    9. obocarale says:

      Thank you very much guys!! HnG Rocks!!!

    10. kupi says:

      Thanks a lot!! only one more to go!! Thanks for the hard work!

    11. @kupi:
      Um…you mean 5 more to go, right? We are doing the DVD version, which is 26 episodes, as opposed to the 22 of the TV version.

    12. DarkGuyver says:


      Just wondering what was wrong with the 1st encoded of Kenshiro Den?

    13. NantoSoul says:


      Just wanted to extend my thanks to you and everyone working on the Souten no Ken anime series. Because of you guys, I was able to get into the prequel to Hokuto no Ken.

      I’m looking forward to the Raoh Gaiden Ten no Haoh and Shin Kyuuseishu Densetsu releases!

    14. Janny says:

      Many thaanks!

      But where’s the fat ugly faggot?!

    15. zamunda says:

      Hmmm why is this episode a filler? This was part of the manga.

    16. Omae wa huh? says:

      MAN IM GOIN CRAZY!!!! I’ve been waiting for kenshiro den all day lol this is gonna be great! thanx for all your hard work!

    17. @Janny:
      The fat faggot was scrapped in the anime. It was probably considered too politically incorrect.

      Yeah it is in the manga, but it feels more or less like filler, especially when you consider it’s an exclusive DVD only release.

    18. csonti says:

      Thanks for the new ep!

    19. Thank you for your post! Anime rules forever! check ya later

    20. FlossyThePimp says:

      Thanks, HnG. You guys rock! When do expect to post SnK ep. 22?

    21. Just waiting for the encoder to get it done, so it should be coming any day now.

    22. FlossyThePimp says:

      Super. You’re the best!!

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