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    Aah Harimanada episode 23 & Complete Batch Torrent (Anime)

    Here’s episode 23 of the Aah Harimanada anime!

    AVI Batch Torrent | MKV Batch Torrent

    Annnnnnnd we made it! Two years straight of non-stop releases, and we’re finishing it off with the finale to everyone’s favorite sumo anime! Enjoy the gripping final confrontation, and it’s another revenge match! Really unfortunate that they had to stop here, but that’s just life. We may get to the manga eventually, so you can look forward to that! But that aside, hope this anime made you all stronger, and we’re really glad we were able to bring this forgotten gem out to you! Special thanks go out to Abeshi!! for finding the raws and checking my translation, angel_of_chaotix for timing, christop for QC, and GonbeFAN for typesetting! Anyway, this project’s been far too long coming, but it’s finally done so get out there and watch it!

    Now you may be wondering where LoverofHokuto’s been all year. Well apart from his fling with Carmen Sandiego, he’s been pretty insanely busy so he’s been having a little trouble staying on top of the Hara-related projects. But don’t worry, I have it on good authority that he’ll be back sooner than you may think, and we’ll all get a good dose of Hokuto and Hara out of it…

    We’re looking for a few good men! Editors, timers, and J->E transcribers, to be exact!

    Read our Rules Section right HERE to avoid disemvowelment, deletion or worse!

    12 responses to “Aah Harimanada episode 23 & Complete Batch Torrent (Anime)”

    1. Raoh76 says:

      “and we’ll all get a good dose of Hokuto and Hara out of it…”

      Thanks for letting us know System, not that there’s anything wrong with this other stuff and really appreciate all of it, but yeah this is a hokuto no ken site…it does give us time to miss it all?

    2. Red Tiger says:

      Thank you very much!!!

    3. SpiritofHokuto20xx says:

      Wait… end of Harimanada. Wait… 2 years already? Holy crap how fast did that go? Didn’t even notice. Good work Team Harimanada! Another old school anime subbed.

    4. Angel says:

      It was definitely a fun, and cool series. I only wish it went on longer. Thanks for letting me work, and pretty much get my start on this project.

    5. GoldenPigsy says:

      Thank you for subbing this series. It’s absolutely great fun and the sort of thing that just doesn’t get talked about often enough. I’m looking forward to more Kinnikuman and Ramenman eps. from you guys too.

      Keep up the good work, and thanks again.

    6. neitan says:

      Thanks for this awesome anime!! You all did a great Job!!

    7. re says:


    8. getter77 says:

      This series was one of the best surprise projects I’ve ever seen—a total unknown going into it. So much raw feeling and good, driving music! Well done HnG team and thanks for the stellar effort.

    9. NL says:

      Excellent, I’ve been looking forward to seeing this once finished. Thanks for your hard work and I’m 100% positive I’ll enjoy this just as I’ve enjoyed every other anime fansubbed by HnG.

    10. Mike says:

      Lookie here. Thought I was going to have to wait until Sat. to see the Grand Finale, but as always ‘Team HnG” comes through again. You guys are amazing!!! This has to be one of the coolest animes around & thanks to you guys we were able to see it… Bring on more Ramenman!!!

    11. marcelo says:

      Really Thanks !! I’ve long wanted to see this anime and thanks to you I managed to watch it. However, I must say I was extremely disappointed with it … the ending was horrible and yet just as if it had more episodes, the anime has almost none of the best fights of Harima’s manga, as in volume or volume 8 and 16 among others. I expected to see all these fights in the manga anime. But it did not happen, so I think the manga is much better than the anime.

    12. alex says:

      tx guys, both the anime and your work were awesome.

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