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    365 ONE YEAR COMBO = Toki vols. 2 & 3, SnK vol. 21, Keiji vol. 3 & SoH’s 1 year combo video tribute!

    LoverOfHokuto(Avatar)Here’s 1 Year Tribute (SoH Video): MediaFire

    Here’s Volume 02 (Toki manga): MediaFire
    Here’s Volume 03 (Toki manga): MediaFire
    Here’s Volume 21 (SnK manga): MediaFire
    Here’s Volume 03 (Keiji manga): MediaFire

    Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears; Hear ye, hear ye for HnG hath completed its 365 one year combo of back to back releases, everyday in every way, for your viewing and reading pleasure. And what better way to have the combo than to give you not 1, not 2, not even 3, but 4 volumes of Hara goodness, including 2 nice big volumes of stalled Toki Gaiden to boot. We also wanted to have all of SnK done for the combo, but vacation and real life work didn’t allow it. Still, there’s only 1 volume left, so expect that pretty soon.

    Regardless, the combo wouldn’t have been possible hadn’t it been for our tireless staff starting with joint Project manager and all round extraordinaire SystematicChaos; our long time comrade in arms SpiritofHokuto to whom I dedicate Chapter 246 of SnK to as it is titled “Spirit of Hokuto”, our most trusted editors, timers, checkers, encoders, timers from Calzone who gave it his all to edit all these volumes, to the lightning fast Katatonia, to Drax, to AngelofChaotix, to Kazuhiko1412, to GonbeFAN, to Abeshi, to Christop, to denshousha, to Haku, to Yoman, whose speedy and excellent work have made this combo happen through their tireless motivation for this goal (I’ll also get to updating the Staff page to include our new staff who have contributed so much…my apologies for the delay), our joint fansubbers/scanlators, and our generous donators for all their help!

    So what’s next you ask? Who knows? I just guess you’ll just have to stay tuned and and see what happens ;)

    Now enjoy the goodies!


    We’re looking for a few good men! Editors, timers, and J->E transcribers, to be exact!

    Read our About & FAQ tab before the thought of commenting even crosses your mind!

    30 responses to “365 ONE YEAR COMBO = Toki vols. 2 & 3, SnK vol. 21, Keiji vol. 3 & SoH’s 1 year combo video tribute!”

    1. dxInt says:

      You guys are the BEST.

    2. ExSavior says:

      Sweet lord this is a fantastic day despite my Green Bay Packers got SCREWED last night!!!

      Bittersweet, but from the bottom of my heart I thank y’all.

      • Pojodin says:

        I feel you on that Packer loss. Glad we were able to turn it around and beat the Saints. Hopefully we can keep up the success on the upcoming 3-game road stretch.

    3. Tiamat says:


      Man SnK almost over…

    4. santory says:

      Thank you for your hard work and dedication

      i have nothing to say the work u have done is talking for itself

      thank you very much again.

    5. Nintakun says:

      OH YEAH! Downloading Hana no Keiji volume 3 right now! I will wait for Toki Gaiden be finished to read it and the same for Souten no Ken (I’ve been waiting for years for this day)!

      Thank you very much, guys!

    6. tetsou says:

      ( sorry for grammer )

      why haven’t you work on any manga theat burnson write it ?
      i hope you to translate one of these manga :


      souten no ken is the best manga ever
      thank you

    7. Drugster says:

      Thanks a lot guys of this awesomness :D
      Congratulations on you best combo ever!
      You guys are the HnG of this era, you have my respect, you deserve to be nammed the rulers of the end of the century ^^

      I really thank you for this great job!

    8. crazyneko says:

      That’s what i call a huge and impressive release! thank you very much!

    9. Destroyer Ring says:

      First of all, I wanna thank you, Hokuto Soldiers, by keeping the torch of manliness alive for so long. Today is an epic pimptastic day for us Hara lovers and you sure know how to treat us well. Here is looking for another Hokutolicious year. Viva!

    10. obocarale says:

      I expected a surprise for today…but this is too much!! I’m gonna cry! T_T

      Thank u!! You gus are awesome!! :D

    11. christop17 says:

      One full year of awesomeness, incredible.

    12. Deka Black says:

      In 3 words: You guys rock!

    13. Raoh76 says:

      Oh f*ck yes…I was just thinking to myself, ‘Remember when this site had hokuto related stuff?’ (please don’t disemvowel, didn’t mean in a disparaging way…okay maybe just a lil’ bit :) Thank you SO MUCH guys, SERIOUSLY THANK YOU

    14. Afro-man says:

      Wee hee! You guys are great, congratulations on your 1 year anniversary!

    15. Sonofsamson says:


    16. Dario says:

      There are not series I read (I read Keiji, but I have the volumes, because here in Italy they published it), but I’m happy for your celebration :)
      Keep working hard, and thanks for all your work :)

    17. HNGFan says:


    18. Raoh76 says:

      For the special occasion we should get a special guess like Tarantino (you know he’s a HNK fan if you’ve seen Kill Bill II) or maybe Josh Barnett (even considering all his steroid scandals…he’s such a HNK fan I’ll give him a pass and he’s still a top fighter in my book;))

    19. Will says:

      Congrats on making it to a year!
      Your releases are fantastic, I’ve really been enjoying them over the last year, hope you can keep up the great work!

    20. Ahab says:

      Well what can I say that hasn’t already been said?? You guys have worked tirelessly for an entire year bringing joy to thousands on a daily basis that I honestly don’t think that any other group can match you guys for dedication to the cause. I’m sure I’m not alone in thinking this but take a break guys, you’ve earned it!! Go on, give yourselves the week off and revel in the spoils of your hard labor!

      Congratulations guys – you all rule!!

    21. SystematicChaos says:

      Well, ladies and gentlemen, here we are on the day that just a year ago we could only dream of. And this wouldn’t have been possible without my awesome groupmates, all ones that LoH has already given a shout-out to in the post, all who are just as dedicated as I am, if not more! And to all the fans, you gave us the reason to keep on going. That’s why we prepared this epic release and dedicate it to you.

      But while a major battle has been won, we have not achieved victory yet. As they say, the show must go on! So stay tuned for more!

      With the general speech out of the way, I have some specific people to address here:

      tetsuou: We’re not at all opposed to doing stuff by Buronson, but right now the team that would like to do Buronson stuff is busy with Hara. Plus some of the Buronson manga are being done by pretty great groups (like Illuminati, with whom we may be partnering in the near future), and some, like Sanctuary, are licensed and released in the States. But remember, good things come to those who wait!

      Raoh76: No, I get what you mean. It’s true, our Hokuto department has been lacking as of late (mostly due to LoH being super-busy), but we also wanted to store things up for this release. But perhaps in a few months, there won’t even be any Hokuto content left to translate.

      Ahab: I will, I will… But don’t be surprised when releases keep popping up, we have enough releases stored up to last us a couple weeks ;)

      Once again, it has been a good year, and I look forward to another good year this coming year!

    22. Benny says:

      I thought it was just going to be a boring work-day Wednesday.. FARK NO!! Guess again! What a release! Well done for all the hard work guys (I feel like I keep repeating myself) I feel a little saddened that SnK is slowly coming to and end BUT FRET NOT, HOKUTONOGUN NEVER DIES! I MOVE ON ON TO HANA NO KEIJI!

    23. ToguroBruto says:



    24. SpiritofHokuto20xx says:

      Guys, 365 releases since last year, what a journey! A big thank you to all past/present members of Hokuto No Gun and the fans for giving us the support. As the way I see it, this occasion shouldn’t just be for celebrating 365 releases, but to also see how far we have come as a group, no, as an army storming through projects of the anime and manga that has made Hokuto No Gun today!

      We hope to continue on with our projects and that you guys will still continue the support you have always given us.



      • sangofe says:

        Hello. I have to say this is very impressive, and it makes me wonder if any group’s ever managed to do this?

        I wish you the best for what’s coming up, too.

        -Sangofe from Saizen.

    25. ZombieToaster says:

      I must already be dead *head explodes*

    26. getter says:

      Congrats on this tremendous achievement—-truly you folks are working on some of the best of the lot out there.

    27. moboto222 says:

      Simply wonderful! We love you all ;-)

    28. Pojodin says:

      Congratulations! That is an extremely impressive milestone. Thank you for your hard work and dedication. The quality of your work is absolutely superb, and everything you do is greatly appreciated.

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