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    Translators needed for the SnK Manga and Anime!

    LoverOfHokuto(Avatar)Dear Hokuto clan,

    I’m back from my holidays, but I just found out that Effatus (our super speed editor and translator for the SnK manga) is too busy with real life to continue with the pace of production you guys are all used to. The same has happened with our translator for the SnK anime, whom I haven’t heard from in a while. I too am also very busy with real life to do fast translations, although I will still continue translating, albeit at much slower speeds, as long as TUIII (the only editor left) keeps editing and doesn’t leave the group. Thus, the Hokuto Army is sorely lacking the required staff to keep it going, so we urgently need your help!!!

    Our first priority is TRANSLATORS, and we therefore need:

    1. A French to English translator for the SnK manga.
    2. A Japanese to English translator for the SnK anime. 

    If you can help us please join the team ASAP, otherwise you’ll just have to wait for slow releases, or maybe no releases at all! Let’s hope someone shows up so the latter doesn’t happen.

    PS – Chapter 41 of the manga has been translated and our editor is working on it right now. Our encoder is hopefully going to do a 2nd version of Episode 12 of the anime because it was slightly mis-timed. It’s almost unnoticeable, but perfectionists like SoH and myself just can’t let it slide.

    11 responses to “Translators needed for the SnK Manga and Anime!”

    1. sugarboy says:

      does a japanese language student (for 11 months) can be any help?

    2. Effatus says:

      A first glimmer of hope. North Star, shine on us!

    3. @Sugarboy:
      Is you’re Japanese good? If yes, email me so we can talk one on one ;)

    4. sugarboy says:

      depends on what kind of goodness you are talking about!!

      i live in tokyo for 11 months now and i am attending a japanese language everyday since i came.

      i am in an intermediate level class and i am at the end of my 4th semester.

      i don’t know how far can i go with my japanese in translating an anime, but i am sure that i cannot perfectly translate a whole episode, specially Hokuto no Ken which i guess is full of complicated vocabularies.

      i guess i can translate like 50 to 70% maximum of an episode, and i guess i might be wrong with my percentage but if you have a task or something for me so i can test myself that will make long story short.

      thank you for your interest in my help and looking forward to be of any

    5. sugarboy says:

      if you send a mail to my address it would be really appreciated thesugarboy@gmail.com

    6. Effatus says:

      I’d say give it a try. My french to english translation wasn’t flawless either, LoH always had to check the translations.

    7. Onsokumaru says:

      Hi, maybe i could try for french to english translation. Mail me if needed.

    8. sara says:

      i know french!

      if you need help, contact me at my email…


    9. tim says:

      I’ve got a degree in Japanese form Indiana University and lived in Japan for a year. Let me if you are still looking for Japanese translators.

    10. Alexwebmaster says:

      Hello webmaster
      I would like to share with you a link to your site
      write me here preonrelt@mail.ru

    11. Ved says:


      I have grown up, speaking English, French and two other languages, and would gladly help out with translation of the manga ^^

      Please mail, if I can be of use to this cause,

      Thank You,



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