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    SnK Episode 12 (Anime)

    LoverOfHokuto(Avatar)Here’s Episode 12v2 of the SnK anime:
               Torrent | MegaUpload

    Here’s episode 12 for all to enjoy like a thief in the night! Sorry for the late release, but I’m still on holiday and I’m using various internet connections whenever I can find the time to use them. As a matter of fact, I haven’t even double checked the final encode like I usually do, but I’m sure it’s perfect because our encoder DaiKenOh is kick ass! Much love to the rest of the team too, because they also make sure everything is top quality for all you folks.

    Now, in regards to the release, on the one hand, the story is starting to build up to the good stuff, and on the other, this episode is also the starting point where the animators get sloppy and thereby produce some really bad animation due to the anime’s poor ratings. What’s worse is the animation gets really bad from episode 13 onward, but what can you do. For those who want to see top quality hand drawn SnK, you can always check out the manga, which we’ll resume in September. Anyway, enough talk, now enjoy.

    EDIT: The links on this post have been changed to Episode 12v2.

    16 responses to “SnK Episode 12 (Anime)”

    1. fiend says:

      man i have been stalking this website for the last month waiting for this release! appreciate it!!!!

    2. rock says:

      Thanks for the encode.

    3. Harout says:

      Thank you, like, a million times!

    4. Copycat01 says:

      Upload your torrents onto TokyoTosho , i miss them otherwise!!!
      And thanks for the release.

    5. HokutoMan1977 says:

      Hahaha…co-sign to the stalking comment. You’re the friggin man.

      Long live all things Hokuto

    6. @Copycat01 – We’ve tried to upload things on Tokyo Toshokan, but we’ve been having technical problems in posting there. I suggest you just check the site from time to time and keep an eye on our progress report.

      PS – I’m happy to hear that all of you guys are pleased with the release ;)

    7. Yately says:

      Why don’t you use trackers such as AniRena http://tracker.anirena.com/ or Nyaatorrents http://www.nyaatorrents.org/ or better yet, ScaryWater http://a.scarywater.net/

    8. Thiago FLS says:

      Wow, so the animation gets even worse than it already was? That’s encouraging.

      Anyway, thanks for the release. I still enjoy SnK’s story a lot, and if I could handle the latest, terribly animated Saint Seiya OVA’s, I think I can handle the next episodes.

    9. Baki says:

      Glad to see u back guys ;)

    10. Hokuto no Diablo says:

      Been waiting for this for a long time, awesome work.

    11. @Yately – Because I honestly don’t know how to do that stuff. If you think you can help then let me know and I will get back to you when I get back from my holidays.

    12. Nublet says:

      Thanks for another great release!

    13. Gatack says:

      Awesome work man. Thanks!

    14. Xx KeNoH xX says:

      AWESOMEE!!!!!!!! Keep it up guys. I’m really sorry i couldn’t help out with the manga releases back in June just so busy wtih finals, and now I’m starting junior year of highschool and im getting pounded with work. So unfortunately, I dont think I can help out any time soon with manga releases. Best I can do is seed things. anyways. THANKS FOR THE RELEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    15. csonti says:

      Thanks a lot! Keep this good job!

    16. overlord21 says:

      keep up the good job

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