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    SnK vol.08 ch.87, 88 & Complete SnK vol.08 (Manga)

    LoverOfHokuto(Avatar)Here’s chapter 87 (SnK manga): MediaFire
    Here’s chapter 88 (SnK manga): MediaFire
    Here’s Volume 08 (SnK manga): MediaFire

    Here we go again. Say bye bye to volume 8!
    Now here’s an interesting fact for all those ‘I don’t like manga and I’m only going to see the anime’ people out there. The anime ends here at volume 08! If you want to know what happens after seeing the anime, then you have no other choice but to start reading the manga. It’s either that, or hope and pray Tetsuo Hara and Buronson continue the anime in future.
    One last thing, I’m happy to announce that Effatus made a surprise appearance and edited chapter 87 for us. Thanks ol’ buddy, and good to see you back ;) Now enjoy the show…um, I mean manga :P

    PS: Episode 13 is out! Well, what are you waiting for? Scroll down and get it.

    21 responses to “SnK vol.08 ch.87, 88 & Complete SnK vol.08 (Manga)”

    1. Shinigami Grahf says:

      You guys have to be one of the fastest scanlators out there while still delivering quality work.

      Thanks a ton guys.

    2. Interesting Read! Very detailed blog,thanks for sharing

    3. Zamunda says:


    4. Yanagi Kazunobu says:


    5. NeoPain says:

      Hi THX 4 this fast release

      b2t was that the big suprise or is more coming xD^^

    6. Zamunda says:

      The big surprise is that we’re not getting a new episode soon :P

    7. No, the big surprise is the encoder could make you wait another week if you keep up the sarcasm ;)

    8. Zamunda says:

      I knew it was big…

    9. Zamunda says:

      Okay i think i overreacted, but loverofhokuto show some sense of humour next time :)

    10. Okay then, here you go. Aren’t you really Baki, you know, the guy who takes it up the ass (for the uninitiated, see here)?
      Funny enough for you?

    11. neopain says:

      LOL n1 loverofhokuto xD^^

      Okay just keep it going love you guys for doing this great job!!!

      bes regards

    12. Sho says:

      Lol I completely missed that one. And for those that wanna bitch about the anime release speed follow my example.
      1. Take a deep breath.
      2. Shut the hell up.
      3. Wait patiently and thank them because without them we wouldn’t understand a damned thing being said(atleast I wouldn’t).

      And on that note thanks for the work so far guys/gals.

    13. Zamunda says:

      Forgive me!!!
      I was butt reamed as a child countless times and I started liking it.

    14. Sigh says:

      I really do appriciate the team. But they also have to see when people complain and when people point out a mistake in a friendly manner.
      Criticism is something that comes with the territory.

      Although, those who just bitch and moan about slow releases deserves whats coming to them.

    15. Zamunda says:

      Lol Sigh, you’re right :)

    16. SystematicChaos says:

      I think Sigh is right too. If only more people would point out mistakes in a friendly manner.
      So far all we’ve gotten is bitchers and moaners about slow releases and people giving “suggestions” about upload links and encodes, and most of them are bitchers and moaners. I don’t call that constructive criticism.

      Speaking for myself, I think LoH can testify that I can take criticism. And that criticism did improve the quality of the releases for you guys. I hope I speak for the rest of the team in saying that we accept reasonable criticism. I mean, do we look like Dattebayo to you?
      But please, make sure that before you criticize, you know what you’re talking about. As you can see, most people aren’t complaining.

      @Zamunda: I thought LoH’s comment showed a great sense of humour. It may not be as funny as butt reaming to you, but seriously. Chillax.

    17. Zamunda says:

      I’m a little teapot watch me spout!

    18. I agree 100% with SystematicChaos ;) And for the record, I have no problem listening to healthy and constructive criticism.
      Here’s a couple of examples:
      1) I made a version 2 of episode 12 because the timing was a little off.
      2) I changed the way I upload 3 times so it could cater to everyone’s needs.
      3) I’ve made an informative and regularly updated progress report, so you guys won’t need to bitch and moan.
      4) The staff and I double and triple check things before release so you guys can get a top quality product.

      And more importantly:
      We all bust our asses to bring these releases to you guys, so we sure as hell are not in the mood for people like Zamunda (alias Baki, or in HoM’s forums, Freezer and Del) who are just annoying anal plugs with too much time on their hands. Seriously, isn’t there enough gay porn out there to keep people like him preoccupied rather than coming here and bugging us?

    19. Chued says:

      I feel like thanking you for all the good work you do now. :D

    20. Sigh says:


      Never EVER would I compare you to the lowlife Dattebayo! Never!


      I understand what you say, and everyone knows you do this on your own spare time (frankly I don’t know how you can keep up with it). It’s hard work, most know it. We have no right to complain about anything, and most of us don’t.

      And to you assholes to seriously do complain:

      Try doing this on your own, learn a second language, learn the history of another culture, learn that a little different pronunciation of a word can change the whole meaning of a sentence. It’s easier said then done huh?
      So for me, I’m glad people actualy do sub anime and translate the manga.

      I might have said to much and if the mods think I did I apolegise.

    21. kuraegomon says:

      Just came across you guys, and wanted to say thanks for all the good work – manga and anime both. You guys rock.

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