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    Sakigake!! Otokojuku: The Movie (Anime)

    Merry Christmas to you all! Here’s your present: Sakigake!! Otokojuku: the Movie!

    AVI Batch Torrent | MKV Batch Torrent

    Merry Christmas! Once again, Hokuto no Gun presents you with a special Christmas release: the movie you’ve all been waiting for! Now, it would be more fitting for us to release this in August because that’s when the movie is set, but after all that work we’re not holding it back for eight months. Now enjoy this thrilling original story in which Momo and the gang take part in a terrifying competition in the U.S.A.! Complete with more action, comedy, and a manly ’80s song at the end!

    Once again, thanks are to be given. First and foremost to our very own SpiritofHokuto20xx, who’s stuck with me for this whole project doing both timing and quality checking. Next to denshousha, who’s done translation check. Thirdly to GonbeFAN for his typesetting job. And last but most certainly not least to you the fans, who have so graciously donated to make this happen!

    We are also releasing new batch torrents containing both the TV series and the movie! Help us seed them so this beacon of manliness never goes out!

    And with that, I declare the Sakigake!! Otokojuku project completed and HnG-Otoko Fansubs disbanded! But Hokuto no Gun will keep going! Come back later on in the holiday for another great present!

    Just a few more announcements: We are now recruiting a new timer for Bo-bobo episodes 51+! And we could always use more translation checkers and proofreaders! And don’t forget to read our About & FAQ tab before the thought of commenting even crosses your mind!

    Now, nothing remains to be said but… Merry Christmas to all, and to all I AM THE PRINCIPAL OF OTOKOJUKU, EDAJIMA HEIHACHI!

    23 responses to “Sakigake!! Otokojuku: The Movie (Anime)”

    1. charlie says:


    2. SpiritOfHokuto20xx says:

      I woke up super early to grab this morning! Merry Christmas everyone!

    3. Southern says:

      Haha, I just got your email alert in my inbox and I kid you not, I had a big grin on my face, shed a manly tear and said “oh you glorious bastards, HnG!”

      Merry Christmas the lot of you!

    4. Boss says:

      You sure know how 2 give a good present

    5. Sakishiro says:

      Thank you so much guys! I appreciate your work A LOT! And Merry Christmas to you too! :D

      Btw, here is what I’ve written and have as my personal message on MSN:

      “Men should not be afraid nor ashamed of showing happy or sad emotions through tears. But men should also not cry like babies” ;)

    6. christop says:


    7. thenox says:

      last year you gave us last episode of SnK

      this year SH the Movie!

      you’re great!!!

      Marry Xmas!

    8. Bloodsack says:

      Holy Shit!!!!!

      Thanks guys :)

    9. fireball says:

      Thanx HnG SANTA!!!!

    10. StefSamurai says:

      MERRY CHRISTMAS ! Thanks for this great present.

    11. StefSamurai says:

      at time 00:17:00 I think is an error translation. It’s not “CIE” it must be “CIA”.
      The quality is a little lower then the series ???
      Excellent WORK guys !!

    12. SystematicChaos says:

      No, listen closely. Believe it or not he actually does say CIE and FBY.

      And the raw we had isn’t that great quality, unfortunately it’s the best there is.

    13. StefSamurai says:

      Yeah , your right the sound-audio track is CIE and FBY . And at time 34:41 Bronco Sanders stands before a grave a says B.J. Bruce ( meanwhile on the grave is written B.g. Blues) but the sound is clear B.J. BRUCE.
      Interesting misspelles. Anyway BRUCE ROCKS HARD !!!

    14. SystematicChaos says:

      Haha yeah… The Japanese pronunciation is ambiguous, so the guy that drew the grave wrote what he thought was the name, but Blues isn’t a name, while Bruce is.

    15. Dabeavis says:

      I just got done watching this, and I’m sure a lot of people will agree with this, It’s Pretty damn epic!
      Sure there using the same manly gimmicks from the anime series here (a Team deathmatch for the 3rd time) but nonetheless, incredible movie!

      as Fantastic of a job you did here, i am looking real forward to the Kinnikuman movies (sorry if you aren’t intending to do them at all).

    16. Vetus says:

      Holy crap! I can finally see the movie translated (years ago I have seen it raw). Thanks a lot for this great Christmas present.

    17. GouNoKen says:

      Thanks HnG for a wonderful Christmas gift! Bought this movie a while back on Vhs, while thinking it would take a very long time for HnG to translate it, but here it is :)

      As always you guys are awesome to spend such time on all of our favourite animes/mangas. It´s pure devotion. Give HnG a round of applause. They are so worth it.

      Thanks yet again!

    18. Dr.Death says:

      finally YEEES, guys you are the BEST

    19. Ataru says:

      Such a weird Christmas: you finish Otoko on your end, I finish it on mine. (did the final chapter just before Christmas) Thanks for collaborating in bringing this epic 80s anime to the masses.

    20. blazephantom says:

      YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!! Finally!

    21. Nymous says:

      So I’ve hidden my identity for this one. (Or tried)

      I’d like to extended my highest gratitude to the individuals who worked on this project. From the unexpected death of my brother at beginning of my University career, to loss of all friends and sense of self, to my pilgrimage to Japan to spread his ashes at Himeji Castle, and finally completing my degree and just recently earning a position at my dream job 1500 miles away and my soon to be admitted unrequited love and departure.

      This series just brought all the struggles together.

      I only wish I could find a block text of the translated ending songs for both the series and the movie. Otherwise, I’m transcribing from the subtitles.

      All the best.

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