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    Genshi Shonen Ryu episode 9 (Anime)

    Here’s episode 9 of the Genshi Shonen Ryu anime!

    AVI MU | MKV MU | AVI & MKV Torrent

    Alright, folks, here it is! Enjoy some black magic, saber-tooth tigers, and Deus Ex Tyranno! Only from HnG!

    And don’t forget to check back later for the surprise LoH promised!

    We are still recruiting translation checkers and proofreaders and we could always use a few extra timers and quality checkers! See below for details!

    Read our About & FAQ tab before the thought of commenting even crosses your mind!

    9 responses to “Genshi Shonen Ryu episode 9 (Anime)”

    1. christop says:

      I love ends like these! HAHAHA I COULDN’T STOP LAUGHING!! KARMAS A BITCH! Thanks HNG!!

    2. Bloodsack says:

      Hey guys theirs no number of the ep on the file.

      Thanks. love the show :)

    3. SystematicChaos says:

      I know, I fudged up on the filename. Just the MKV, though. It’s been fixed for the torrent.

    4. SpiritOfHokuto20xx says:

      Thanks for the release.

    5. GouNoKen says:

      Thanks once again for a superb release HnG!

    6. cactus says:

      Awesome! Great job guys. Amazing to finally see this translated.

    7. Arcas says:

      I’ve not yet seen this series, but I always thought this was a side project/back burner, I think I should give it a try.

      I hope we could see some bobobo soon too.. as far as I know it was to be “pumping them out like madmen” once otokojuko finished… no pressure though

    8. Luffy says:

      Pls d smthng bt Bbb t…

    9. SystematicChaos says:

      Simple answer, Arcas, is that we aren’t quite finished Otokojuku yet. Just wait a few days for something quite special.

      The reason we’ve been going faster on this project is because there’s virtually no overlap between the staff for this project and for Otokojuku and Bo-bobo, and the staff we do have are so fast that we can release literally within 24 hours of when the timing’s finished. But Bo-bobo needs more care, particularly because it’s a headache for the typesetter and the dialogue is more complex.

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