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    Sakigake!! Otokojuku episode 34 & Complete Torrent (Anime)

    Here’s the final episode of the Sakigake!! Otokojuku anime!

    AVI Batch Torrent | MKV Batch Torrent

    And it’s done! It’s finally done! After 22 long years, the Sakigake!! Otokojuku anime has finally been completely translated into English!

    Now this has been a particularly interesting venture for me. It all began in the summer of 2009, when Hokuto no Gun was beginning to expand its borders. Our lost friend Wimmo was picking up Kinnikuman, and I was picking up Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo. But having done two-thirds of the translations beforehand, I felt like I could handle another project. So I remembered some people on the forums talking about an oldschool anime called Sakigake!! Otokojuku, which had only had six episodes translated by Studio ADTRW until they stalled. I knew next to nothing about the show except that 1) it was the namesake of Cromartie High School, 2) it was manly enough to have the word “Man” in the title itself, and 3) its opening theme set my manly soul alight. All these were good signals, so I decided to pick it up.

    A fellow by the name of Bleeds_Tricolore hooked me up with the DVD raws for the first two volumes, but disappeared promptly after. Still, it was enough for me to get a good intro to the show, and I tell you, I was not expecting it to be this good! It had simply the perfect blend of comedy and manly action! I immediately started requesting for staff everywhere I could, but in the end it was only SpiritofHokuto20XX and Seven Stars who joined the team, as timer/QC and translation checker respectively, and they had already been on HnG’s staff. Someone by the name of ttally provided a basic karaoke, but we were still missing a typesetter and an encoder. At this point, the only way I knew how to encode was through VirtualDubMod, and I knew that would result in an encode below the par of HnG’s quality standards. This continued for nearly a year; I kept requesting for typesetters and encoders, but nobody would bat an eyebrow. It pained me to see all these generic loli anime of the season getting so much attention from so many fanboys, when no one cared about a long-forgotten true anime of men!

    Then one day, the unthinkable happened: Seven Stars offered to typeset! He came up with some simple, yet good-looking fonts that really added a lot to the final product, and made it so that I could simply apply the same fonts to future episodes. So when he left soon after, despite having lost great talent, we were not completely incapacitated. We were, however, in need of another TL checker, so I recruited denshousha, who had previously worked on Kinnikuman, to check my translations. Meanwhile, I learned how to use MeGUI, which knocked me off my socks because it was such a powerful encoding tool that could encode straight from the VOB files. I also found a torrent of the raws for working purposes, but these were not good enough to encode. We needed the DVDs if we wanted to get any further in the series.

    And this is where you, the fans, came in. Because no one had access to the DVDs themselves, we had no choice but to order them off Amazon. And the cheapest box set we could find was about $150 USD! We needed donations, and lots of them! Fortunately, you, our loyal fans, wanted the series just as much as we did, if not more, and in no time we had the money to order them from Japan! And with those DVDs, we just had to work full speed ahead until now!

    So I’d like to thank first my dear fellow HnG teammates who have worked long and hard on this excellent anime. I’d like to also thank you the fans, who have supported us with your donations. And finally, I’d like to give a final “in your face” to all the haters who kept saying we couldn’t do it. Well we can and we did, so it’s time to eat your words! Would you like fries with that?

    So what’s next for Hokuto no Gun? Well, we still have the Otokojuku movie to work on, but that’ll need a lot of love and care. Plus, we are going to be hard at work bringing you Raoh Den: Gekito no Sho, and we will have to give that even more love and care, so expect this to come out before the Otokojuku movie. While we’re working on that, Team GSR will continue to pump out more Monkey Pelvic Thrusts to prepare for the new projects I’ve picked up, Team Hajike will be putting Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo on the fast track, and Team Muscle will keep doing Kinnikuman like we have been. And of course, we’ll keep pumping out the Souten no Ken and HnK Gaiden manga, and we’ve got another special treat on the horizon…

    Finally, this episode and the completed series is dedicated to the memory of Daisuke Gouri, voice of Edajima Heihachi, who passed away this year.

    And so, until next time…

    Viva Hokuto no Gun! Viva Otokojuku!

    Edajima Count (not including flashbacks): 1 Grand Total: 50

    We are still recruiting translation checkers and proofreaders! See below for details!

    Read our About & FAQ tab before the thought of commenting even crosses your mind!

    38 responses to “Sakigake!! Otokojuku episode 34 & Complete Torrent (Anime)”

    1. StefSamurai says:

      Next it will be the anime movie ???
      Respect to this site, to this fansub service and for manly fan anime addicts :P .

    2. StefSamurai says:

      DVD Raw: Provided
      Translation: Done
      Translation Check: Done
      Timing: Done
      Typesetting: In Progress
      Title creation: In Progress
      Final Edit/Quality Check: In progress
      Encoding/Upload: In Progress
      Torrent: In Progress

    3. Thank your so much!
      This is one of my fav anime ever besides “Hokuto no Ken” Great work, perfect subs and quality…Thanxxxxx
      *manly tears*

    4. Gackt says:

      Finally the final eps ^^

      Many thanks to all stuff who working on it

      See ya next time ~~King Fansubs~~

    5. christop says:

      Thank you guys, the series was awesome, and so are you!

    6. 1987 says:

      Great work guys! Glad to hear you’re going to be doing the movie too! — Good luck with the future projects!

    7. Bloodsack says:

      AKIGAKE!! OTOKOJUKU: THE MOVIE, Bring it on!!

      Can’t wait.

      Thanks guys for bring this series to us.

      Now to watch Genshi Shonen Ryu :)

    8. p24601 says:

      It’s already been uploaded to animebyt.es!!

      Great work on the translation :-)

    9. MSM2 says:

      Congrats on finishing one of the best anime series I have seen in quite some time. You guys are bad ass! Can’t wait to see what new projects you guys will deliver! HOORAY! HOORAY! HNG!

    10. Ahab says:


      I know you guys had a hard time getting this project off the floor and at one point it almost looked like it was never gonna happen but look where we are now!
      I would like thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for showing us all how far perseverance and commitment can take a small group of likeminded people. Your excellent work on this series can now be enjoyed not only by us , but by future generations of anime fans that are seeking something manlier to sate their appetites.
      Just think, it would be incredible if somebody discovered this series and these subs 15 years from now when moe and loli is the norm. They’ll be like “Wow! Look at these Hokuto no Gun guys! They were definitely keepin it real back when everything was 12 year old girls, Panty shots, cake and tea!!”

      I don’t really know what I’m trying to say nor how to end this comment so I’m just gonna end by saying THANK YOU for making this old and jaded anime fan happy again. You’ve reminded me how exciting anime can be and for that I am eternally grateful!

    11. LS says:

      Thank you so much for your hard work on this one! I’m a big fan of old school manly awesomeness, myself.

      Looking forward to the batch so that I can marathon through this masculine marvel!

    12. Kurisukun says:

      Many thanks for subbing this great anime! Otokojuku was the only anime lately i was watching with an excitement i hadn’t felt for a long time now. And you all have done a superb job subbing it! It’s good to know that the world of anime isnt completely sucked into the shoujou/lolita cesspool, and there are still manly shounen lovers out there!!

    13. Rubedo says:

      I just wish this were better adapted to the manga… Kinda pisses me off how they cut out like half of the final arc…

    14. Hakenkreuz says:

      Wll dn gys grt wrk. ny chncs t sb ght mn (th ld sr) r gn Btt ?

    15. hyakken says:

      thx for great work

    16. christop17 says:

      I just remember, now that this is over I’m gonna go read the manga!! Didn’t read it because I wanted to see how this ended before reading any further! Still surprised that there is 20 volumes after this!

    17. Bob says:

      A dutch fan speaking…

      Thank you so much for all the hard work. I’m downloading the batch right now.

      As for the HnK Den movies (eagerly anticipating the Raoh ones), I just want to say that they play great on my HDTV Media Play USB-thingy. So thanks again!

    18. Sabo says:

      I wanna thank you guys for the great work you have done, you guys are awesome.
      I love you XD

    19. Vetus says:

      A big thanks to the fansub group for their great job and the people who donate for the dvd boxset. :)

    20. DeXeSs says:


      The whole series was awesome. Everyone worked so hard and we really appreciate it!

    21. JP says:

      Thank you very much, great series, great fansubbing.

      Looking forward to your next projects, whatever they are.

    22. Tiamat says:

      without you guys I would never have been able to watch this series, and I wouldn’t be surprised if i never even found out about it at all. thanks everyone for your hard work

    23. Dabeavis says:

      I saw this video about the Sakigake! Otokujuko famicom game, so i decided to play it and it’s alright, it does have it’s flaws.From what I can understand it’s like tmnt or mission impossible on the NES.

      You can pick either Momo, Togashi, J, or Toramaru.They all look and fight much the same with the exception of during duels, in which they have their respective weapons & apppearance, in the 1st level you beat up 3rd years and duel 3 of the lords of the 3rd years and for some reason Raiden every now and then.

      Pressing select will allow you to check up on the party, use a the great chime yell for healing, or switch characters.

    24. StefSamurai says:

      I’m a anime fan gamer too :D. I will play Sakigake! Otokujuko Playstation 2 version (3d background, 2d-3d characters and plays as an 2d game). I wiil post some gameplay specs after I will burn the game on a good cd-dvd.

    25. Southern says:

      Well done team!

      You have succeeded in bringing a little-known series to a modern audience – and what better audience than lovers of Hokuto no Ken?

      I’m still stuck downloading half the episodes but I am enjoying every one of them, as is my girlfriend (who claims she was forced into it, of course).

      I’m priviledged to be a fan of this group for all the excellent releases you have put out this year and once I get my christmas bonus, I will be on to paypal to spread the love.

      Long live Edajima Heihachi!

    26. Kaptan says:

      GREAT JON HnG Thank you very much for this great Anime…Now the Sakigake Movie is NEXT ;-) that would be great ^^

    27. Kaptan says:

      I mean JOB not JON ^^

    28. Rob says:

      WOW guys! you have been on an incredible pace these last times and finally completed the gem. As a fellow HnK fan and as a fan of Otokojuku since the days of the other fansub, I congratulate you guys.

      Cheers and Beers,

      Everyone who’s into Old School Anime should come to out Old School Anime Club at MAL. http://myanimelist.net/clubs.php?cid=18611

    29. Guy says:

      I want to thank you guys for subbing this series. I always wanted to watch it and never thought such an old series would get subbed.

    30. A little late to the party, but wanted to say a BIG BIG congrats to SC and the HnG-Otoko Fansubs Staff! Awesome job, manly speeds and an excellent choice to boot. This gem is now available to all thanks to your hard work!
      Another series down, much more to go!
      Viva Hokuto no Gun! Viva Otokojuku!

    31. Thanks in tons, I got the batch MKV and I’m not gonna seed it a looooong time!

    32. Sorry, I meant”now I’m gonna seed it a loooooong time!”

    33. Dr.Death says:

      thanks HnG, great job and great quality :)

    34. Tyrant292 says:

      Thanks for this hard work; Many thanks (i cant thank you enough) to HnG and its community which is keeping it alive. HnG is like a treasure for me.

      FORZA HnG!!!

    35. fireball says:

      Great Job completing this awesome series.
      I can’t wait for that yokozuna project to start.
      Keep it up HnG!

    36. Xx KeNoH xX says:

      This is f***ing awesome!!!!! AWesome job HNG, I remember wen you guys started out after heartofmadness was dying and you guys did an awesome job ever since. I never thought this anime would ever be completed and you guys did it. Congratulations, I’m downloading the batch torrent now. I’ll be seeding this one for awhile :D

    37. thenox says:

      great work!

      maybe even better than SnK!

    38. S Jump Forum says:

      I can’t thank you enough for subbing fist of the blue sky, Otoko Juku and now Bobo bo bo bo ! three series I love :D. I have been working on fist of the north star chapters myself with my scanlation group and I can appreciate the time and work you put in, especially for anime episodes!

      I’m off to enjoy another episode of Otoko Juku :)

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