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    SnK Episode 11 (Anime)

    LoverOfHokuto(Avatar)Here’s Episode 11 of the SnK anime:
               Torrent | MegaUpload

    Here I come to save the day!!! You’ll get it after you see the episode, just don’t expect much action in this one.

    27 responses to “SnK Episode 11 (Anime)”

    1. STEEKY says:

      Thank you very much for your work. I appreciate it

    2. Harout says:

      Thank you <3

    3. victimblue says:

      thank you for this

    4. barryx says:

      Great stuff! Always looking forward to the next release!

    5. Zack says:

      Love you work bro~! Only thing wrong is that you got your Chinese pinyin wrong at times like when Kenshiro would say 你已经死了-or-ni yi jing si le. Great stuff though!

    6. What do you mean, the “you’re already dead” Chinese quotes? Where did we get it wrong?

    7. billylee8 says:

      If there was any doubt, the TV version ep. 1 by HoM provides the (traditional) Chinese:


      You can verify this with Google.

    8. The Chinese text was engraved only in the TV version of episode 1 (the version HoM did), and not in its DVD counterpart, which has extra scenes by the way. Thus, if the producers felt like it didn’t need to be there in the DVD version, then I’m sure as hell not going to waste my time adding it just for some nitpicks out there. Seriously, this work is hard enough as it is, and I think people should keep a lid on it if they have nothing productive to say. If you guys think you can do better then go ahead, and maybe I’ll nitpick your work.

    9. billylee8 says:

      Whoops… didn’t read the pinyin part…

      The first few episodes of the DVD version released by just transliterate Japanese *pronunciation* of the Chinese “儞已經死了”, so “Ni yi jing si le” (properly written in HoM’s TV version) was just simply written “Niichinsura.”

    10. Wow, great! Read 2 posts up.

    11. STD says:

      You’re doing a great job. Keep the good work up!!

    12. Shuu says:

      Dude, you fucking OWN the planet. I had seen the first 8 episodes, but had no idead Sentosha Fansubs broke up, and you continued the project on your own site. I thought I’d never see more SnK since their last release was in early March. Thanks for doing the series.

    13. DopeFiend5 says:

      Great job with SnK. I was wondering, what do you mean by encoding? Are you referring to encoding the subs to the video or does it mean something else?

    14. Encoding is ripping the DVD file into a great quality smaller avi. version. Hard subbing is putting subs permanently into the encode.

    15. DopeFiend5 says:

      Do you do the ripping from DVD yourself? I know there’s high quality mkvs of SnK on the web, and it’s easy to convert mkv to avi without reencoding (The process that I use only takes 10-20 mins max and loses no quality). You ever think about doing it that way?

    16. We might do mkv later because it’s better quality and we can do more stuff with it. The only problem is that it’s not as user friendly as avi. on things like gaming and portable devices, so the avi format is our first priority. I’ll just be happy to finish the series first, because if that happens, everything else will be candy.

    17. DopeFiend5 says:

      I didn’t mean you should release them in mkv, I meant you should convert the RAW SnK mkvs that are on the web into avi, and release the subbed version in avi.

      I have all the RAW episodes in MKV format, and I can convert them all to avi for you to use if you’d like. The MKV versions are the same quality that you use with the the same filesize of 230 MB, and remain the same quality and filesize after converting to avi. This would save you quite some time if you used this method instead.

    18. DopeFiend5 says:

      Nevermind, the torrents that I was getting the RAW mkvs from are all down.

    19. Nevermind is a good way to put it because we already have a really great encoder who encodes directly from the DVDs (not encodes of encodes), so why would we need another one? If I need help for something in future, you guys will be the first to hear it.

    20. DopeFiend5 says:

      I see what you mean. But just for the record, the process I was talking about is not an encode of an encode, it’s merely putting the mkv in an avi container, it uses the same encode of the original file and does not reencode it which makes it fast. The new avi file loses no quality and is able to be burned to dvd unlike mkv.

    21. rock says:

      Cheers for the encodes, much appreciated.

      Just curious, do you guys have a set schedule for when episodes are released ? Once a month ?

    22. The episodes are released whenever the team can, so we don’t really have a fixed deadline. It all depends on whether an episode has been translated, and when individual team members can make time to do their part. For example, I’m now on holiday and moving around quite a lot, so August is difficult month for me to get much done. That being said, Episode 12 is done, and I’m just waiting for the final check from one of our editor/quality checkers before I release it.

    23. rock says:

      Thanks for the info. :)

      Looking forward to episode 12.

    24. Arara says:

      Hi Lover! Great work there. I just wanted to know, what is a ‘todo’?

    25. HokutoMan1977 says:

      Awesome! Thanks

    26. @Arara, a todo is a pig ;)

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