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    Sakigake!! Otokojuku episode 18 (Anime)

    Here’s episode 18 of the Sakigake!! Otokojuku anime!

    AVI MU | MKV MU | AVI&MKV Torrent

    The battle has begun! Who will come out alive? Can the Otokojuku first-years stop the ambitions of Date Omito, or will they die trying? So many questions, you’ll have to watch these next few episodes to find out!

    Edajima Count: 1 Total: 39

    13 responses to “Sakigake!! Otokojuku episode 18 (Anime)”

    1. Rubedo says:

      Th M lnk fr th MKV sn’t wrkng

    2. SystematicChaos says:

      I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: Megaupload files occasionally stop working, but it only lasts a few minutes. This is not a problem on our end, and there is no reason to complain about it. In fact, I just tried it and it works fine.

      Depending on the consensus of the rest of the HnG team, further complaints of this nature may be met with disemvowelment or worse.
      EDIT: HnG policy now includes Megaupload whining as an offense punishable by disemvowelment. Just to clarify, we are not opposing constructive criticism, we just will no longer tolerate whiners whining about a problem that isn’t even a problem and that is something we have no control over.

    3. GouNoKen says:

      Congrats to another release. The HnG Team rocks!

    4. fireball says:

      Great release yet again!
      Great use of the word “disemvowelment” yet again!
      Keep it up!

    5. Nice work and great speeds team!

      Haha! We do love a jolly good disemvowelment from time to time.

    6. ikqz says:

      J died an honourable death. RIP

    7. thenox says:

      more more more! :-)

    8. Dr.Death says:

      thanks, full speed torrent download, keep up the great work

    9. christop17 says:

      J!!!! NNOOOOOOO!! why the american! why not Hundred Crack Fist his ass THEN DIE! saddness will fill the hearts of his friends and drive them to VICTORY!!! just like KENSHIRO!(ssshhhoooo)!!

    10. dxInt says:

      Damn, I think I just spoilered all over myself from reading these comments…

    11. Bloodsack says:

      As always amazing job guys :)

    12. Ahab says:

      Oh man, that episode was intense…

      Poor J…

      The title of the next episode sounds like another tearjerker too (TT)

    13. thenox says:


      Indeed it is

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