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    Sakigake!! Otokojuku episode 17 (Anime)

    Here’s episode 17 of the Sakigake!! Otokojuku anime!

    AVI MU | MKV MU | AVI&MKV Torrent

    We’re halfway through! And what an episode this is! We’re introduced to the Four Great Trials of Terror (which you will hear a lot about these next few episodes), and to my personal favorite first-year, Toramaru! This is also where Otokojuku starts getting really serious! I won’t blame you if you start getting emotional over these next few episodes; this show is worth your manly tears! But don’t leave this episode sitting too long, we’ve got an Otokojuku storm coming up these next few weeks!

    Edajima Count: 4 Total: 38

    17 responses to “Sakigake!! Otokojuku episode 17 (Anime)”

    1. SoupGoblin says:

      Ahahaha, a mass spanking . . . I love this show.

    2. fireball says:

      the principal’s head makes an appearance!
      Thanx for another great release!

    3. christop17 says:

      FUCKIN’ A!

    4. thenox says:

      more! more please! :-)

    5. Ahab says:

      I have to hand it to you guys, not only are you doing an immense job on this anime but, the releases just keep coming! A storm of episodes coming up over the next few weeks? FUCK YEAH!!!

      Viva la Hokuto no Gun!!!

    6. Oliver Twist says:

      Please, sir, I want some more.

    7. Ahab says:

      Oh boy, just watched the episode!

      What a cliffhanger! It’s almost like I wanna sit down and blast through 10 eps at a time as the story is just soooooo good!!

      Can’t wait for the next episode!

    8. Bloodsack says:

      Thanks for a great ep. I agree this series is amazing! Too bad it failed in japan.

      Maybe they should have sold it to the states and europe….hhhmmmm maybe not, hollyweird would have fucked it up. you know the dub of this would have been horrid.

      Thanks again guys for all your hard work :)

    9. ikqz says:

      I check here everyday for Otokojuku — keep up the good work. ;)

    10. Vetus says:

      Putting aside the comical part of the series it’s one of the manly anime/manga (yeap, there is an on-going translation project of the manga as well which you can find on MangaTraders) I’ve ever seen with Momotaro being one of the best gar main characters among Kenshiro and Jotaro (yeap, Shonen Jump produces the best gar manga :P ).

      Viva Hokuto no Gun!

    11. GouNoKen says:

      Thank you guys for yet another episode. This anime is so freekin´ good! All my best wishes to the HnG Team, you rock!

    12. Harin says:

      Thank you for this episode and releasing this series, I was long since wondering if anyone would ever pick it up after having only seen six or so episodes done by a different group and then being dropped so from the bottom of my manly heart, THANK YOU VERY KINDLY!

    13. marzoqi says:

      love u guys ^^

    14. Tiamat says:

      edajima was super epic in this episode

      thanks =D

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