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    Genshi Shonen Ryu episode 03 (Anime)

    Here’s episode 3 of the Genshi Shonen Ryu anime!

    AVI MU | MKV MU | AVI & MKV Torrent

    It’s been a while since we treated our GSR fans, so we present you with this pelvic thrust… I mean, episode of Genshi Shonen Ryu, in which Ryu doesn’t get punched in the face. Enjoy another episode jam-packed with intense scenes of Ryu not getting punched in the face, and marvel at the impressive and realistic lack of Ryu getting punched in the face!

    Stay tuned next time to find out how Ryu doesn’t get punched in the face next episode!

    “I thoroughly enjoyed this episode about Ryu not getting punched in the face. I particularly found the one scene where Ryu didn’t get punched in the face to be very powerful and meaningful. It was a very bold choice for the directors to show Ryu not getting punched in the face, and they pulled it off quite well. I hope to see more of Ryu not getting punched in the face next episode.” —Roger Ebert

    EDIT: We could really use more TL checkers, to ease the load of our current TL checker! If you are fluent in Japanese and English, please drop us a line!

    EDIT2: We realize that a particular stain by the name of zamunda (AKA freezer) is unashamedly posting very flamboyant comments that may offend many of our fans. We would like to announce that we are not responsible for fan comments. That said, we offer our condolences for any of our fans who may have been scarred for life.

    11 responses to “Genshi Shonen Ryu episode 03 (Anime)”

    1. Bloodsack says:

      I’m beginning to like this anime. Thanks guys :)

    2. SystematicChaos says:

      That’s good to hear, Bloodsack, because I’m not sure if most of us here can say the same.

    3. Bloodsack says:

      Why is that SystematicChaos?

    4. SystematicChaos says:

      Well… Personally, I think it’s rather mediocre and predictable. It’s not terrible, but not something I’d recommend to my friends. I’m mainly working on this as a sign of appreciation to our departed translator Seven Stars, who really wanted to see this translated.

    5. Ahab says:

      Hey guys thanks a lot for the GSR release!

      I realize that more people dislike this show than like it but as fan of Ishinomori it’s nice to see that somebody is giving this an English translation and stopping the anime from falling into that ever growing abyss of “forgotten old anime”

      Excellent lack of punching Ryu in the face too I may add! :)

    6. GouNoKen says:

      You guys are the best! All the best wishes to you for doing this incredible anime.

    7. thenox says:

      Maybe GSR is not my favourite realease here on HnG, but I also think that this anime is worth doing something for the people to remember it!

      I used to watch it when I was a child, and I still remember how scary I thouhgt the T Rex was!

      Glad to see it again, this time whit no fear! :-)

    8. GouNoKen says:

      Just wanted to report that the MU link for the GSR ep. 3 .avi file have been closing down on me all day, shuts down after either 20 Mb or 30 Mb, and the torrent is going at a speed of 2.9 Kb/s.. However the .mkv file is doing much better.

      Thanks again for the release!

    9. SystematicChaos says:

      @GouNoKen: We are not responsible for Megaupload speeds, so please don’t bug us about them. Often, all you have to do is wait a bit and try again. Regarding the torrent, it’s because there’s only one seed at the moment. I’m helping out the seeding as we speak, however.

    10. GouNoKen says:

      No I wasn´t trying to complain about anything regarding the MU upload, just wanted to report it, if something would be wrong so to say, with the file. Nothing else. Don´t take it as a complain, please.

      I´m also seeding the torrent by the way, have done it all day since I saw it and will do so as long as I possible can.

    11. DeXeSs says:

      It’s too bad you feel that way SystematicChaos because I’m really enjoying this one! I love being thrown back into the stone age.

      Thanks a lot everyone!

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