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    HnK Yuria Gaiden ch.07

    LoverOfHokuto(Avatar)Here’s chapter 07 (HnK Yuria manga): MediaFire

    The fight is on!
    And all for the sake of narcissism and love!
    *sob sob*

    PS: Latest news is Sonofsamson can do scat tricks in the air!

    15 responses to “HnK Yuria Gaiden ch.07”

      I’M CUMMIN’!! I’M CUMMIN’!!!

    2. Sonofsamson says:

      Clearly you’re jealous of my acrobatic scat technique.

    3. Ahab says:

      In a word, Yes, we are…
      The sheer physics involved in pulling off such a feat are mind boggling. I mean, do you put your head between your knees just prior to the turd launch or, do you pirouette mid flight in such a way that you are able to catch those brown torpedoes using your face?

      Er…. Great job on Yuria by the way guys!!

    4. christop17 says:

      WOW the tension is so high, yet I know no one is gonna get killed…. not because I read (and watched) Fist Of The North Star, because the random douchebag always gets what they deserve and only the badasses live when Kenshiro isn’t involved.

      p.s. GREAT WORK!

      p.s.s. who the fuck is Sonofsamson? (offended? *I don’t give a fuck* but okay “Who the freak is Sonofsamson?)

      p.s.s.s. FUCK CENSORS!

    5. @zamunda: Um, um, um…Oookay! You’re seriously starting to worry me now, but I guess the link under your name finally explains WHY you love HnK SOOO much!

      @SonofSamson: We are, we really are! Seriously, that’s pure genius so I tip my hat to you!

      We used to consider him zamunda and griffondor’s lovechild, but his impressive skills have put him in a ranking of his own!

    6. SystematicChaos says:

      @christop17: I can see your fucks just fine.

    7. I’m very sad because my gay partner left me today, turns out I’m not tight enough for his pleasure. I’m now going to urinate on myself to console my inner scars. I need a big boy!!!

    8. Boss says:

      i almost forgot about this anime was being subbed thanks

    9. @zamunda: Look, I’m sure there’s A LOT of sites out there for you, so stop using this site to promote your weird fetishes as well as your homo-erotic links.

    10. But LoH, I just can’t help myself! I like having multiple dicks in my ass, but sometimes it hurts so much that I start bleeding, and I have to lick the blood off myself. But when it’s over it smells so nice that I don’t take a shower for two weeks. I have to spread this joy to everyone!

    11. SystematicChaos says:

      @zamunda: This is going too far. None of our fans are even mildly turned on by your fetishes, nor do we want to even think about it. We don’t sub gay scat porn here and we never will, so get off our site and go watch a gay porno or something. You’re ruining a post dedicated to everyone’s favorite heroine.

      Also, I think that link you posted scarred me for life.

      @Everyone Else: Please ignore zamunda’s comments, and whatever you do, do not click his links. If anyone personally knows the guy, I urgently request you to put him in a mental institution where they can treat his fetish disorders.

    12. thenox says:

      who’s zamunda?

      I don’t see anyone with that name! :-)

    13. I…AM A BIG GAY HOMO WHO WILL EAT YOU UP IF YA LET ME!!! Teheheheheheheheh!

    14. @thenox: zamunda is basically a morbid gay stalker who has been bugging us from the days of HoM. We’ve banned him from our forum, and we usually just delete his posts from the home page (I think you can now see why), but we clearly made a grave miscalculation by allowing him to post again! That said, I honestly didn’t think he would push his twisted homo-erotic tendencies THIS FAR!

      @zamunda: We get it, you’re super gay! Now stop!

      @Everyone: Should we ban this crazy fruit fairy again?

    15. thenox says:

      @loverofhokuto: I say let’s keep on ignoring him.

      Maybe he’ll quit or spend his time on some more approprite sites.

      He he doesn’t stop, just kick him out again.

      Personally I pretend there’s nothing written when I read his nickname :-)

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