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    SnK vol.02 ch. 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 & Complete SnK vol.02 (Manga)

    LoverOfHokuto(Avatar)Here’s chapter 17 of the SnK manga: TinyLoad Here’s chapter 18 of the SnK manga: TinyLoad Here’s chapter 19 of the SnK manga: TinyLoad Here’s chapter 20 of the SnK manga: TinyLoad Here’s chapter 21 of the SnK manga: TinyLoad Here’s chapter 22 of the SnK manga: TinyLoad
    And the big one…
    Here’s Volume 02 of the SnK manga: MediaFire

    Hadouken, Hadouken, Shoryuken, Shoryuken, punch, slap, 6 HIT COMBO!!! Volume 02 is officially complete, and I’m glad to announce that we now have two new manly editors, Tuiii & our very own McBubby, who took up this manly challenge. All editors are doing an excellent job, although I have to give the official speed demon seal of approval to both the reigning speed king Effatus and to our new speed prince Tuiii ;) Check out the funny credits and expect more releases in the not so distant future.

    Episodes 09 & 10 of the Souten no Ken anime have been released, and episode 11 should be joining them quite soon.

    5 responses to “SnK vol.02 ch. 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 & Complete SnK vol.02 (Manga)”

    1. siim says:

      Holy fuck! you guys are quite crazy with these fast releases. Really nice read while waiting after lazy mr Miura.


    2. Yeah we are all quite pumped up :D As more Miura, I think either he or we will die before Berserk is ever completed.

    3. Baki says:

      Thanks.You’re damn fast.I hope you won’t quit soon.

    4. This is the second time someone has said “I hope you don’t quit”. Do we look like quitters or something? I didn’t quit with the anime and I’m not going to quit on the manga either, so don’t fret. We might, other hand, get slower down the road because we have our own lives to lead, but that’s about it.

      Now, something I am genunuely worried about is that we only have the French scans for the first 13 chapters, so you guys will need to help me out via donations if want me to buy the later missing volumes. On the other hand, someone could save me a lot of time and hassle if they take pics of their volumes 14-17 and send them to me.

    5. Baki says:

      When the time comes we’ll talk again about the later volumes.Don’t think about it now.

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