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    Sakigake!! Otokojuku episode 08 (Anime)

    Here’s episode 8 of the Sakigake!! Otokojuku anime!

    AVI MU | MKV MU | Torrents Forthcoming…

    HOLY **** IT’S A LION! GET IN THE CAR! Enjoy the new episode, full of manly animal goodness, elephants, and Momo whacking a gorilla with a stick. Torrents coming as soon as we get the crocodiles off our server…

    As always, we need DVD RAW providers and typesetters for Bo-bobo, and donations to order the Otokojuku DVDs! And in case you missed it, Boobies volume 2 is complete! Grab it below this post!

    Edajima Count: 1    Total: 23

    17 responses to “Sakigake!! Otokojuku episode 08 (Anime)”

    1. I’M IN, I’M IN! Phew, that was close!

      Nice work compadres.

    2. Bloodsack says:

      Thanks HnG.

    3. Sonofsamson says:

      I don’t want to complain, because all of this is free, and it is nice and generous of you guys to translate and post all this stuff, but it would be ever better if you stuck to the Hokuto titles, in particular, Souten No Ken. I’d donate more often if that was updated more often.

      But regardless, thank you for your efforts.

    4. SystematicChaos says:

      Don’t worry, more Souten is coming. We’re having some problems with our editors/translators, I believe (LoH, would you kindly let us know what exactly is the problem?)

    5. MSM2 says:

      Well, I, for one, am enjoying this series a lot! You guys are pretty awesome for translating this gem. Thanks!

      And I’ll help seed once the torrent goes up.

    6. Sonofsamson: Well, SC and the HnG-Otoko team are actually taking care of Sakigake!! Otokojuku, so it really doesn’t effect our Hokuto projects whatsoever. That said, I have agreed to help with GSR in order to keep a promise, but other than that, it’s still Hokuto all the way. But since we’re on the subject, did you notice we are doing 3 manga (SnK, Rei and Yuria), the HnK movies (have you ever fansubbed btw?), and working everyday to earn a living. My point is, we’ll do the Hokuto projects when we can. That is all.

      SystematicChaos: Everything is fine now, although things to do come up for all of us from time to time. That said, people can check the progress report if they want to see where things are.

    7. Sonofsamson says:

      No, being unable to speak Japanese, I’ve never done any fansubs. However, were I able to do so, I would be willing to help out.

      But as I said, thank you for your efforts.

    8. NazoNoKage says:

      I just have to thank you guys for this, the manga counterpart of this anime is one of my favourites.
      Just hope the anime gets to J, loved his match in the koro-seum.

    9. Rubedo says:

      Thanks for the subs, I’ve been waiting for this. I had no idea that you guys even released 1-7 until I saw the torrent on TT. Quick question though. Will you also be subbing the SO movies once the TV series is done?

    10. SystematicChaos says:

      We will be subbing the anime movie. I believe there is a subbed version of the live-action movie out there already.

    11. Mara999 says:

      Thank you so much for subbing this awesome show! I’ve been wanting to see it translated for a few years already. I’m really looking forward to episode 10 and onward, because then everything starts to get even more cool, with the introductions of Akashi and J :D

    12. Boss says:

      @ SystematicChaos

      Yeah there is a subbed version of the live action movie out there already. I would watch it but i dont want spoilers for the anime series. Thanks for subbing another manly episode i cant wait to see what happens next i did read somewhere like after episode 15 it gets real serious.

    13. JP says:

      Thanks for the release.

      There is a small glitch in Episode 4 MKV. At 11:00 the video freezes and the punch animation is missing. It may be encoding related.

    14. SystematicChaos says:

      @JP: No, there’s no problem with the encode. There actually isn’t any punch animation; it’s implied.
      If the video’s actually freezing on you, chances are it’s torrent-related.

    15. Actually, I just downloaded the AVI of episode 2 from the torrent and it has a glitch around 3:30 whereas the one from Megaupload does not. That means something strange has happened to our Torrent Creator/Seeder’s downloaded files. We therefore advice you all to download our Megaupload releases and ditch the torrent until we sort this out.

    16. Vetus says:

      Wow! It’s been few days since I saw episode 7 and voila! The fansub of the episode 8 had already been released! I didn’t expected it so fast! Thanks a lot for your great job! You’re the best! (^o^)/

    17. TheTenguNinja says:

      Thanks a million for subbing this series! Its so great to see titles like this and Kinnikuman and HNK, which i have followed in the manga form, finally being translated so we can enjoy the anime as well! You guys are the best.

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