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    HnK Rei Gaiden ch.17 & HnK Rei Gaiden vol.02

    LoverOfHokuto(Avatar)Here’s chapter 17 (HnK Rei manga): MediaFire
    Here’s Volume 02 (HnK Rei manga): MediaFire

    Rei, Boobs, Naked Shin (?), and another Volume complete!


    PS: We STILL need DVD RAW providers and Typesetters for Bo-bobo, and Donations to order the Otokojuku DVDs!

    7 responses to “HnK Rei Gaiden ch.17 & HnK Rei Gaiden vol.02”

    1. christop17 says:

      In words of Danny Mcbride “BIG ASS TITTIES!”

    2. Toguro Bruto says:

      Thanks guys! ^^

    3. Arcas says:

      after my search for bobobo, I found a japanese-speaking chinese-subbed files, if you could find any dubbed dvds in whatever language, we could mux the audios into the video to have a similar files to the original japanese dvds

    4. @Arcas: We’ll have a look, but isn’t that going to be a little difficult? That said, I’m still hoping someone will be able to provide us with the DVD raws.

    5. Arcas says:

      I don’t think it would be that hard, I see many of the old dubbed animes in my language get a release with the original video from the japanese dvds

      Besides, waiting for the dvd vobs to pop out from nowhere doesn’t appeal much too..

      A donation drive to buy the dvds would cost $1100 or so, because there are no boxsets and the vol would cost from 39 to 44 each. and this series is no very well known so that maybe is impossible to happen..

    6. SystematicChaos says:

      @Arcas: I already have seen those subtitles (and in fact, have used them to do my initial translation) but syncing the audio from them would be a problem because there are some differences (such as the “brought to you by” screens).

      Plus, there are no English DVDs beyond episode 8, and ordering them from somewhere else will have the same problem.

      Also, a donation drive wouldn’t cost as much as you think. The volumes only cost that much if you buy them new. Used, they’re closer to $5-12 each. Of course, this doesn’t include shipping, but if we ordered a bunch at once it shouldn’t be a problem.

    7. Arcas says:

      I think you can get 200$ from donations, and I suggest as soon as you finish your donation drive for otokojuko and order it, start the donations on bobobo while you work on otokojuko..

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