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    Gunmania 03 & Complete Set (Manga)

    LoverOfHokuto(Avatar)Here’s chapter 03 (Gunmania manga): MediaFire
    Here’s Complete (Gunmania manga): MediaFire

    All the Freezer’s/Baki’s of the world Unite, the final homosexual gang rape chapter is here!

    This is a strange chapter indeed, but as mentioned, I know some people will be taking this one to their bathrooms and locking the door tonight. Thanks again to TUIII and Wimmo for bringing this lost Kouta Hirano manga out of the closet!


    PS: Come on guys, is there no-one out there who knows how to upload torrents and seed them? We really need a Torrent Maker/Seeder ASAP!
    PPS: Please keep up the donations ’cause we need to buy 7 Sakigake!! Otokojuku DVDs from Japan and they ain’t cheap.

    8 responses to “Gunmania 03 & Complete Set (Manga)”

    1. Znork says:

      Congrats on a finished project.

    2. christop17 says:

      That(dededededede)was(dededededede)fucked up, but good neither the less, but the third chapter was a little more fucked up than I hoped, and alot gayer.

    3. Dopefiend says:

      Why not have one of you create a torrent yourselves? It’s pretty easy to do, I’d do it for you guys but unfortunately I will not be able to seed for long periods of time so I cant be of much help. Here’s a really fast and easy guide for making your own torrents:

    4. name says:

      awesome manga freaking love bando and his craziness

    5. @Dopefiend: Making a torrent isn’t that hard, but we really can’t deal with seeding, putting up the info at Tokyo Tosho etc etc. There’s basically 4 of us doing the brunt of work on the major projects so we’re overworked as is. We might just have to put some things on hold if people don’t step up.

    6. Dopefiend says:

      I figured seeding was the major problem. I really wish I could help out but I can’t leave my computer on for long periods of time so unfortunately I can’t help. Good luck though I hope someone does step up and help out with your torrent situation.

    7. Rudolph Hotler says:

      Nice work on getting this one done :)
      On a sidenote, you might want to work on your grammar regarding “your” and “you’re” as in “you’re face” in one of the panels. Mandatory Grammar Nazi, over and out.

    8. @Rudolph Hotler: Can’t catch ’em all Pokemon. Glad you liked it though ;)

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