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    Sakigake!! Otokojuku episode 05v2 (Anime)

    Here’s episode 5v2 of the Sakigake!! Otokojuku anime!

    AVI MU | MKV MU | Torrents Forthcoming…

    This is one great episode because it’s all about Edajima Heihachi! You know, I really wish I had a principal like Edajima. He’s far more badass than the walrus-like guy I had for a high school principal. School would’ve been that much better.

    Well, here we are. The first 5 episodes done, in 5 days. At the release of episode 1, some douche-fag messaged me saying that we release so slow and it’ll take us two years to put out the next five episodes. Even when we started releasing the next few episodes within days, he still thought the notion of getting this done any time soon was just ridiculous given our track record with SnK. You know, it’s really discouraging to us when we put in all the effort to bring you good quality subs, and we’re busy with our own lives, and you haters just come along and complain about the release times, or for some reason have something against us.

    But now look. Five episodes in five days. Correct me if I’m wrong, but five days is clearly shorter than two years. And what’s more, we’re not gonna stop! We may not have as breakneck release times as before (in fact, you’ll have to wait about a week for episode 6, our TLC/typesetter is working on fixing up the Raoh Den Gekito movie), but we’ll get the series done in record time and great quality, and all haters can just suck our eighteen-foot schlongs!

    We still need DVD RAW providers and typesetters! Alternatively, if you want to see more Otokojuku but don’t have the DVDs, you can donate to our site so we can get our hands on them! If we get the DVD raws without having to buy them, donate anyway so we can keep our forum running. Also, our torrent creators are MIA, so we need torrent creators ASAP!

    Edajima Count: 4    Total: 19

    EDIT: Thanks for the donations! We still need more if we’re going to order Otokojuku because the yen’s so strong!

    13 responses to “Sakigake!! Otokojuku episode 05v2 (Anime)”

    1. Bloodsack says:

      Oh hell yes! frickin sweet. thanks guys :)

    2. Yohen says:

      Personally, I think anything would be more manly at whatever, if Edajima Heihachi was the responsible somebody.
      I’ll donate right away!

    3. christop17 says:

      BAM!, thats all I gots to say.

    4. Boss says:

      thanks for the episode i cant wait til we get past episode 6 so i can continue watching it

    5. Wow guys! I bow my head in respect, give my business card, and bow again! You guys have really outdone yourselves!

      @Yohen: Thanks for the donation!

    6. DarkGuyver says:

      You guys are awesome. What happening with the release of Toki Den?

    7. SystematicChaos says:

      We’re having a bit of encoding trouble. It’s taking us quite a while. No stress.

    8. Yohen says:

      I just thought about what’s the manly thing to do…
      Get drunk till I’m ready to donate!

      Ahh, any news about Boubobo? That one is awesome, too ^^

    9. SystematicChaos says:

      Bo-bobo is officially on hold till Otokojuku’s completed. It’s just more stressing than I thought to handle two anime translation projects at once, so I figure tackling them one at a time will be better.

      Don’t worry; we’re gonna get Otokojuku done at top speed and then move on to Bo-bobo!

    10. DarkGuyver says:

      I would offer my assistance but as you guys know my desktop has recently died, and I’m using a low/office grade laptop presently. I’ill be getting a replacement system sometime soon hopefully.

    11. End of Century Savior says:

      Hey! I’m just writing this comment to tell you all how much I appreciate your fast and excellent work on this series. I’m really happy it finally gets released here since I’ve looked forward to it for quite a while.
      Thanks a lot for your work, you guys are awesome.

    12. Yohen says:

      Awesome! I love that weird humor of Otokojuku ^^

    13. Rokudenashi Blues says:

      i love Otokojuku please i hope coming more and more episodes, thanks so much!

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