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    SnK Episode 26 & Complete Torrent (Anime)

    LoverOfHokuto(Avatar)Here’s Episode 26 of the SnK anime:
    Here’s Episode 01-26 of the SnK anime:
            Complete Torrent (01-26)

    Merry Christmas and here’s your gift…the last episode of SnK!

    Well, this is the end of a series that was a huge roller coaster ride for me. It started around 3 years at HoM when I decided to translate (from French), badly encode (using Gordion Knot), and distribute the first two TV episodes in their forum. The response was generally quite positive and people seemed to enjoyed it, so I decided what the hey, I’ll keep going. Little did I know what I was getting myself into! Things were very slow in the first year to say the least, but with people like Makoto (Japanese to English translation checker) McBubby (Timer of the first few episodes and Technical Support) dxInt (Inital karaoke maker), and robin (DVD Raw Provider) the project began to get going. Once started, I wanted to make a top quality version so I decided it would be best to do this project with an experienced fansubbing team. I went through different negotiations (including doing a joint) with different teams, but eventually opted out to join Sentosha since I felt they were my best bet to get the series out there. Once at Sentosha (second year of the project now), the project went through many ups and downs; Wicko was a really talented karaoke, typesetter, QCer and distributor, but he tended to make quite frequent and unannounced disappearances that lead to quite significant slow downs. After a second big disappearance on his part, I decided to say farewell to Sentosha and create HnG in order to complete the series once and for all.

    A new era was born under the aegis of HnG, and frankly, it went better than I expected. I had translated (Makoto did a translation check) the first 8 episodes at Sentosha, and then translated my last episode (episode 9) for HnG with the help of Makoto who then took over. DaiKenOh (our new encoder) then joined the fold and HnG made its first anime releases; Episodes 9-10! The project was back! Makoto continued translating up to episode 12, but then unfortunately had to retire due to real life commitments. This kind of left me in the creek with a paddle so to speak, so I made a mass appeal for a translator to join so we get this series done. The appeal bore fruit and a new translator by the name of SystematicChaos jumped in to save the day! He single-handedly took on the grueling task of translating and amazingly finished a whopping 14 episodes (Episodes 13-26) in the record breaking speed of 2 months!!! Whilst this was going on, I re-recruited dxInt and later SpiritofHokuto, to help us pre-time the scripts, our lost homey Wimmo to help do translation checks on all the scripts, and finally Toshin and Mr Gerbik to make the torrents. Thus, each episode went through a lot of tender love and care by undergoing a preliminary check, a translation check, an edit, a quality check, and a final check before being sent to the encoder. Unfortunately, this, and our occasional real life commitments took time, so we would take approximately one month or so for each episode. The haters out there really don’t know what lengths we went to to ensure this was a quality product, because it they had, they would know what work and co-ordination is needed to do a project. What’s more, sitting on one’s lazy ass and whining really doesn’t help the projects come out magically faster, so don’t in future! Anyways, I think our final product can speak for itself, so I’m sure those of you who have enjoyed it will appreciate the tender love and care we’ve put into it.

    Well that’s about it. In closing, you’ve all probably noticed that we at HnG have moved beyond the boundaries of the SnK anime and expanded in order to bring joy to all you anime/manga lovers alike. We’ll continue to try and keep this up as long as we can, so please try and help us out in any way possible. Next up in the Hokuto roster; the SnK & HnK Gaiden manga and the completion of the new HnK Den Movies/OVAs. Note: the Movies/OVAs might take a little longer than expected because I lost my most recent updated scripts after my computer crashed a few months ago. Besides, I translated the first 4 Movies/OVAs and I’d like them to get a second translation check (Makoto did a preliminary check) just to make sure everything is just peachy.

    Merry Christmas again and Enjoy!

    EDIT: The Complete Torrent Batch has been re-upped because the previous Torrent had version 1 instead of version 2 of Episode 12. Regardless, we’ve fixed everything now, so get the link and download away.

    31 responses to “SnK Episode 26 & Complete Torrent (Anime)”

    1. Finaly time to watch this :)
      I remember watching episode 1 back when you released that, years ago. Ive been waiting for it to be completed before watching ever since :P

    2. DopeFiend says:

      Wow, very nice unexpected christmas release. Congrats on finally finishing this series.

    3. marzoqi says:

      Huge thanX to u guys for doing this project , Enjoy your holiday

    4. Well it’s finally over eh, son! I’m sorry I couldn’t help more as the project gained some steam; degrees and babies tend to do that!

      Massive Kudos to you for sticking with it for this long; there are just so many Seinen shows that get one or two episodes fansubbed and promptly die. You never did.

      And for that, I offer you my body!

    5. HokutoKrazy says:

      Thanks for the awesome Christmas present!!! This is exactly what I wanted for Christmas. Thanks for the hard work to everyone that worked on this series. It is amazing the journey that has taken place and I am glad that I was able to witness it so far. The story was very well written.

      Merry Christmas!!!

    6. vegetahart says:

      Hey congrats!!! Thanks for completing this series. I used to be a lurker in hom back in the day when you first started doing the SNK french to english solo job. You’ve come a long way and I’m very happy for you guys!

      Happy holidays everyone!

    7. Chued says:

      All I’ve got to say is. Congrats and good job.

    8. Ahab says:


      3 Years of hard work and dilligence and we have a wonderfully subbed series to show for it!

      Thank you!

    9. bluesnack says:

      Thank you for completing this amazing series! You are the best!

    10. moralkaan says:

      Thank you very much. You’ve done a great job.

    11. AniMan says:

      Um… Why does the batch have Ep 12v1
      [HnG] Souten no ken 12 (DVD) [401F6134].avi
      when there is a v2 out:
      [HnG] Souten no ken 12 (DVD) [F649682A].avi

    12. Compassman says:

      I’ve been tracking this team ever since I found their releases on crunchyroll and enjoyed every release.

      I try and comment to leave my thanks when I can and I hope this doesn’t dilute my super-mega-awesome-xmas-thanks that I give to the whole HnG team past and present who were able to produce this to a high quality rarely seen in fansubs and give it the attention it deserved.

      Well done to everyone involved in getting this out – finally we’re all done – time for the impromptu marathon tonight as soon as I have it.

      Merry Xmas to all fans of the series as well!

    13. Arara says:


    14. Defbass says:

      Wow what a phenomenal effort. It’s pretty rare that online community efforts which require a few years to complete actually make it through. Congratulations to everyone who contributed.

      And a of course a big thank you from all SnK fans!

    15. AniMan:
      I wrote to the torrent maker informing him about the problem so I expect it to be rectified tomorrow. Thanks for pointing that out.

      Glad you guys liked it ;) Here’s to a productive 2010!

    16. Vetus says:

      Indeed, a wonderful Cristmas present. Thanks for your great job. Now I can finally start watching it (I was waiting patiently for the fansub to be complete in order to enjoy it all together).

    17. Rory says:

      Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!

    18. Noor says:

      You’re amazing! Thanks, I can’t wait to see this.

      Tip: re your computer crashing: get a mac – you can use windows on your mac machine within a windowed programme called parallels, totally rules!

    19. legend of kenshiro says:

      I am Touched T_T
      HNG I have to say that You are a great team
      Words can not give you enough Thanks but its all I can say so , Thank you from the deep of my heart
      All hail HNG

    20. HOUKTO JIMBOB says:

      Thanks for all your hard work.

    21. MSM2 says:

      Awesome guys. Thanks for everything that you do!!

    22. B says:

      hello peng you!

      indeed thanksforall the hard work!

      was anybody a little disappointed with the ending?
      The exploding bad guy was way cool.

    23. DarkGuyver says:

      This is awesome, now I can watch a SNK marathon.

    24. FlossyThePimp says:

      Hats off to all. A job well, well done.

    25. Wrath of Ken-Oh says:

      Excellent work. Now go relax!

    26. N3M351S says:

      The 26th star in the sky has finally fallen, Time to watch this back2back, what a great team. !HPNY!

    27. RockinIntoMordor says:

      Man, you guys rock, I’ve been following you guys ever since you started, and you guys never disappoint with the quality. Keep it up, and who knows what’ll happen next.

    28. ace says:

      STN N KN

      Trrnt s dd …

      nd mgpld fr psd 21 s dd, myb sm thr hlp ? ?

    29. ace222 says:

      thr mst b sm gltch

      cnnt dwnld psd 21 nd myb thr r sm thr

      ls trrnt s dd , pls hlp ? !


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