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    Kinnikuman Episode 05 & Torrents (Anime)


    Here’s Episode 05 of Kinnikuman:
    MKV MegaUpload | AVI MegaUpload
    Here’s Episodes 01-05 of Kinnikuman:
    MKV Torrent | AVI Torrent

    Well, this is it! This is our final episode of Kinnikuman!
    First and foremost, I’d like to take a moment to thank the translator and the HnG Muscles Subs staff for all their truly amazing work. I’d also like to thank everyone else who really supported the team throughout the Project! Finally, I’d also like to personally say a final farewell to the translator and say “you’re a great guy, you were a good friend, and you’ll be sorely missed!

    Again, I haven’t entirely given up on the series yet! We have a team in place, so all we need is a good and willing translator to help us continue where we left off. So, if there’s a translator out there who’d like to help us continue where we left off, please contact us. Also, I encourage you the fans to do what you can to get us another translator if you’d like to see your dreams of a completed Kinnikuman come true!


    EDIT1: Torrents are up! Please help seed!

    EDIT2: The Christmas tidings bring Gifts to All…Ho Ho Ho! A French Fansub team has offered to help us with translating and encoding, so if all goes well, Kinnikuman will resume in January!

    20 responses to “Kinnikuman Episode 05 & Torrents (Anime)”

    1. Sugarman says:

      Wow, thank you so much for all of your hard work so far. I’d love to see more, but I guess I’ll have to make due with the manga for now without a translator. And hey, once I finish college and master the language in 2 1/2 years or so, maybe I’ll take up the torch.

    2. Evan Jones says:

      Thank you so very much. I have been looking all over the place for some subbed Kinnikuman. I hope sincerely that you find another translator. You have really, really made me happy with these 5 episodes. All i ever seem to find are non-english subs. If you know of any other places, could you post those in the interim? I am very grateful to have found this site. You guys are all awesome.

    3. TheOrgg says:

      How ironic that the subs stop here; episode six is where the series turns into a wrestling theme instead of ‘ultraman/kaijuu’ like the first five episodes.

    4. Evan Jones: If there was another place this group wouldnt have picked it up. This is not the kind of silly group who do the same things others are already doing.

    5. Molanphy says:

      Thank you Hokuto no Gun for this amazing anime.

      Hope you find a new translator soon

    6. KANG says:

      You guys rock so hard, thanks for an awesome 5 episodes, and for translating classic anime that no one else will.

    7. Desu says:

      I’m a big fucking cock! Watch me slap myself silly!

    8. sap says:

      thanks guys for 5 episode
      i hope you finally find a new translator and this project will be finally done someday

      ps: sorry for my bad english ^^”’

    9. Ahab says:

      That is great news!! Here’s hoping they can work together with you guys and help you release many more episodes in the new year!

      Thats nice. But I can think of way better sites to masturbate to…

    10. Bloodsack says:

      It wouldn’t happen to be the group Frenchies-Subs? they do a good at subs, but take a long to release eps.

      anyways…good to hear the series is up on it’s feet again.

    11. GT says:


    12. @Bloodsack:
      Nope, it’s not that team.

    13. Jay says:

      yay more Kinnikuman!!! And yay at finding another group to work with! yays all around!

    14. Molanphy says:

      That is a good gift for Kinnikuman fan’s

    15. yagamisan says:

      Don’t stopping for subbing Kinnikuman please,don’t have any other group for subbing it x.x

    16. sap says:

      any news about another episode? =)

    17. Kaz says:

      Oh my god! I’m so glad to have come across this… you guys are AWESOME! I’d love to see more of the old Kinnikuman series translated! I’ll keep my fingers crossed you find a new translator!

    18. Calcifer says:

      Thank you very much!

      I hope things work out with a translator soon, as I can never get enough Kinnikuman.

      But this will hold me over for now :)

    19. Yagami says:

      Thx for the French Fansub team who had offered help to yours,I happily waiting for the next episodes ^^

    20. Svarog says:

      Please dont stop kinnikuman!! This a great classic.
      Thanks, thanks and once again thanks so much for this hardcore work = )

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