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    HnK Rei Gaiden ch.09

    LoverOfHokuto(Avatar)Here’s chapter 09 (HnK Rei manga): MediaFire

    More Rei coming through, and a familiar guest appearance from the genius.

    Now for some sad news for Toki fans. Basically, we’re already overworked as is, and Toki is a mindfuck to translate, so we’ve decided to take on 1 Gaiden at a time. In other words, Wimmo’s going to work on Rei Gaiden until its done first and then focus exclusively on Toki Gaiden. I know this is a bit of a kick in the pants for Toki fans, but if it’s any consolation, we should be able to do faster releases this way, and Wimmo will be able to get better immersed without being distracted by two Hokuto stories.

    Anyways, enjoy!

    9 responses to “HnK Rei Gaiden ch.09”

    1. Raoh76 says:

      Sounds like a good plan, focus and finish.

    2. Anon says:

      Ouch, my pants! Huge Toki fan here, but I’ll definitely cope. I can’t ever ask anything more than you guys work at a pace that works for you. ‘sides, Rei Gaiden is almost as good, so I’m still happy. Cheers!

    3. SystematicChaos says:

      Not to mention that Rei Gaiden’s been more of a boobfest than Toki…
      ;p <-SC licking lips in delight

    4. RichieJ says:

      The boobfest for Rei makes up for all the “male admirers” he has when wearing his blankie. Good idea, 1 medium at a time. Go go Wimmo!

    5. @Boob fans: Yeah, we picked the dirty one first. Get ready for perky boobs, bouncy “bundas”, and wonderful ‘just for pervs’ playboy-esque center-folds. Can’t really top that now can you.

    6. SystematicChaos says:

      Wow… I thought the first volume would’ve been the most boob-intensive, but there’s gonna be more? I’m gonna keep reading. So much better than the typical ecchi anime crap.

    7. RichieJ says:

      Considering the boobfest, of all the major HnK characters who died, Rei would’ve have to have been the happiest. Toki would also have done nicely for the populace of Asgarzul in regards to using his healing techniques to cure a lot of “back pain”.

    8. TUIII says:

      Poor Toki, but rules are rules: “Tits or GTFO”.

    9. DarkGuyver says:

      I thought that was the plan of action all along… Getting a translator to work on two projects simutaniously is a real nutcracker. Well hopefully we will see a steadly chain of release on HnG.

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