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    Kinnikuman Episode 04 (Anime)


    Here’s Episode 04 of Kinnikuman!
    MKV: Torrent | Megaupload
    AVI: Torrent | Megaupload

    Here it is, here’s Episode 4!
    For those of you who enjoy our hard work; happy viewing, this is for you. For the impatient whining ballsack complainers; shut your mouths and get off your fat assess and contribute something productive you stupid assholes. Stop discouraging our staff who have enough on their plates to hear silly comments like “eeeeeeeeeeeeeiiii…why this”, and “waaaaahhhh…youtube”, or “blubber blubber…I saw a minuscule error.” Seriously this is getting tiring, and frankly, we’ve had enough. We branched out and added more work onto ourselves to make people happy, so seriously, either help encourage us or just stop coming here you damn hypocrites.

    EDIT: Torrents are up! As always, please help seed!

    32 responses to “Kinnikuman Episode 04 (Anime)”

    1. Molanphy says:

      Please continue doing Kinnikuman and Bo-bobo.

      Forget the impatient people and continue doing this, please don’t stop. You will make a lot of people happy^^

    2. Wrath of Ken-Oh says:

      I agree with the guy above: screw those whiny little b*tches. you’re doing great work, so keep it up! Thanks.

    3. getter says:

      Yep, don’t let detractors get ye down. Fine work is being done here, that I can assure you.

    4. Desu says:

      I’m not even watching your Kinnikuman subs (waiting for Sakigake…), and I totally appreciate that you’re taking time to sub these old series, but… do you actually think you’ll finish Kinnikuman at this rate? You release once every few weeks, and this is 100+ episodes long, isn’t it? How do you ever hope to finish it? It’ll take you years.

    5. I says:

      Thanks, guys.
      Man, this series is great. I love old anime, I’m looking forward for Sakigake!! Otoko Juku. There are other great anime that no group did, I’m not making a suggestion to project only showing it to you.

      Oh, I forgot to say, I also love Souten no Ken.

    6. I says:

      Desu, yes, this series has 137 episodes.
      I don’t know how other groups completed animes like City Hunter and Inuyasha.

    7. Elegan says:

      Ok, just to get one thing out of the way. Desu, you are a complete tard.

      I would say that the current rate of releases for this series is fine considering the fact that this is an old series that has been long forgotten.

      I think what alot of people such as Dickhead Desu don’t understand is that fansubbing takes time and motivation from all of the staff involved. I can’t understand how people who aren’t doing anything towards the projects feel they have any right to complain and lower the motivation of the staff.

      Rest assured HnG, there are many people that download and enjoy your subs, sadly they are the ones that normally don’t leave comments. That is normally left to the low lifes of the world such as Desu.

    8. I-kun says:

      Desu said reasonable thing. Don’t fuck our minds, Elegan!

    9. Desu says:

      I highly suggest Elegan go kill himself for being a fucking moron.

      I wasn’t rushing them, you inbred retard. If you actually read what I said, I’m not even watching it because I have no interest in it, and I am PATIENTLY waiting for Sakigake subs, I was merely questioning how HnG thinks they will finish Kinnikuman, because at this rate, it’ll be SEVERAL YEARS before it is complete, and while I DON’T EVEN CARE BECAUSE I DON’T WATCH IT, I don’t see it likely that fans will stick around for that long, or that the group will hold together for that long.

      I wasn’t demanding anything be released faster, I was asking out of concern for both the fans AND HnG themselves.

      So, Elegan, why don’t you just fuck right off and read what people fucking say before you assume shit next time, k?

    10. Wickio says:

      Desu, I think you need to shut up before you make a complete fool of yourself. Regardless of whether or not you watch the series, just sit quiet and leave the group to their work. They’re doing a great job on a series which would otherwise never have been subbed and there are tonnes of patient fans who are willing to wait.

      And your comments make you look like an absolute idiot. I hope your social abilities lead you well in life.

    11. marzoqi says:

      thank u hundreds of millions time 4 your hard work , I’ve never imagined I’d watch this anime in my life because of its rareness but u guys made it possible and also your work on bobo bobobo is a masterpiece , please keep working hard on both projects … u own all !!

    12. SystematicChaos says:

      Hey guys, keep it civil. If you keep insulting each other, your comments will be deleted without further warning.

      By the way, the AVI version is temporarily unavailable. Do you what the deal with that is?

    13. Torrents are up!

      Now, to clear some things going on in the debate:

      1) Fansubbing is very hard work which is usually only appreciated by the people who have actually done it. Only they can truly relate because they have experienced how demanding it really is first hand. For those of you who haven’t done it, here’s a little example of the day to day running of a project: Project Leaders have to deal with multiple people (i.e. Staff) in different time zones with real life commitments, deadlines etc etc, so it’s not easy to bring something out like clockwork when it requires everyone’s participation. If any one team member stumbles then we all fall (i.e. delays).

      2) We have never started a project we didn’t finish, nor have we quit on one. Besides we wouldn’t start a project if we truly didn’t believe we could finish it. Therefore, we’re in this for the long haul as are the fans of the series. They just need to keep us motivated, and help if possible, because this will be a long and hard slog. That said, it’s better waiting a X amount of years rather than having nothing at all, right?

      Many thanks to everyone who has/will support us!

      Megaupload can do that from time to time, but it will usually work again if you check in a minute or so. If not, torrents are up ;)

    14. legend of kenshiro says:

      Go Go muscle sub , You dont have to look at those negitive peope , and be like the arrow that have to be pushed bach to go forward faster .

      Thank you very much HNG team ^_^

    15. TA7IN says:

      thnx u guys for ur hardwork …….its really appriciated …..i was just wondoring …..will u do nisi after kinnikuman.just wondoring

    16. Sam says:

      Hey guys,
      I just wanted to say how much I appreciate your work translated this series. I’ve been looking for quite some time for a subbed version with no luck. Thanks alot!!

    17. ShiroiRyu says:

      One question : You will do the others Kinnikuman ?
      Like the movies, Kinnikuman II and others ? :)
      But thanks anyways !

    18. ReDead says:

      Thanks for that! We all apreciate your hard work. I never thought I would see subs for Kinnikuman, and I’m very satisfied with the quality. Yeah, please, don’t get discouraged with those dumbasses *cough*Desu*cough*, there are much more people encouraging you guys, after all, so, keep up the awesome work.

    19. Pistol says:

      Thank you all very much. I am infinitely grateful. If I have to check the site every week for the next 10 years until I catch the last episode, I will do it with a smile. Thanks again. :-)

    20. @ShiroiRyu: That’s the plan ;)

    21. pocopico 13 says:

      go go muscle…!!!!!!!!!!
      Thanks guys, I haven’t heard about kinnikuman before you started this project, really thanks because it’s hilarious! Kinnikuman go fight!!!
      Keep up the good job :D

    22. Jay says:

      I think less people should be concerned about old projects such as Kinnikuman being completed. It’s 137 eps., and that is alot of work and effort. Personally I am happy with the videos they have released so far, and if they were to stop subbing Kinnikuman tomorrow, it wouldn’t be an issue for me because the videos they have released so far are more then any other fansubbing group working on the program (a.k.a 0). I would love to see the group take there time and complete the series, because I am loving what I have seen so far!

    23. Alex says:

      Nice work guys! it is truly an outstanding job! keep going like this!

      mmmm I have a question….. are you gonna translate the last arc of the series? you know that last one that has 47 episodes (I dont want to spoil anyone >_>)

    24. Wimmo says:

      Thanks to everybody that has been enjoying our work on the series thus far! Even more so to those people that have been kind enough to leave a comment! (feel free to visit our forum and post some questions/thoughts in our criminally neglected Kinnikuman forum too!)
      As for the whole ‘Can you really finish this series?’ debate, It’s a question that has probably come into everyone’s mind so allow me to clarify.

      We are a solid group. As well as subbing these series’ together as a team, we are also a close knit group of friends. It’s for this reason alone that I believe it’s highly unlikely that anyone of us will just disappear without telling the rest of the team. This happens ALL THE TIME with other groups but the most important thing is the translators. We have 2 and we are staying, so, you can be rest assured that this series will be finished no matter how long it may take.
      Also, we have every intention of doing the movies, the follow up 47 episode arc (The scramble for the throne arc) and then Nisei so please be patient until we get around to them!
      Lastly, if you want this faster, find us another translator! If there are 2 of u working on this, the release speed will of course double!

      Thanks for listening!

    25. Molanphy says:

      Thank you Wimmo and HnG for doing Kinnikuman and Bo-bobo, and making my life happier with all Kinnikuman’s anime ^^

      Wimmo you need to post the epi in LRG forum, I can post there if you want^^

    26. TheOrgg says:

      Once again, Thank You for the excellent work, Wimmo and Co!

      Also, you can still post the links on the LRG if you want to, Wimmo. See the ‘episode 4!’ thread for what exactly the mod’s concerns were.

    27. Das Baron says:

      thanks again for another release! I can’t even begin to express how appreciative I am to you for subbing these series that would normally get no attention elsewhere. I’ve seen the six subbed eps of Sakigake! and the live action movie and can’t wait for you to start with that (I love me some 80’s shonen series). Keep up the great work!

    28. Urarenge2005 says:

      I cannot thank you enough for subbing Kinnikuman. I am an incredibly huge fan of the series. I have waited for many years for someone to pick it up and subtitle it. HnG subbing it is one of the greatest things to happen to Kinnikuman. For the people saying they should drop it because its “Old” are missing the point of this entire website and fansub group. We are all guys who are intrested in “Men’s” anime and manga. Regardless of its age or quality, that’s why we are here right? You guys should continue doing it at whatever pace you damn well please. And keep in mind whichever episode you release. Its one more episode I haven’t seen. Thank you for all your hard work.

    29. ShiroiRyu says:

      Oh !
      One final question : Do you will put the OST, opening & ending in full version or not ? Just thought about that when i hear the opening. ^^
      (And one question : Have you already all the episodes and movies ? Because yesterday, i found a giga batch torrent with 59 go of Kinnikuman… o_O)
      Thanks for your answer !

    30. jkaris says:

      Hi guys!
      Nice work!

    31. Konekone says:

      If you’re wanting to know if they will do the full songs and translate them, that is up to them to answer, but I should point out that I was the one who did the translation for the “Kinnikuman Go Fight!” opening, and was asked if my songs could be used. Whether they wish to use my translations for later songs is up to them, but if they want to do them on their own, that’s their option.

    32. Smokingun says:

      Great job on the Kinnikuman episodes and a lot of thanks goes to your team for your hard work and efford. Once you team have finish all episodes, yall are going to be legends. 4 episodes down 133 to go.

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