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    Kinnikuman Episode 01v2 (Anime)


    Here’s Episode 01v2 of Kinnikuman!
    MKV: Torrent | Megaupload
    AVI: Torrent | Megaupload

    Episode 4 is coming soon, but we thought we’d tide you over with a second updated and fixed Episode 1 in the meantime. Enjoy!

    EDIT: Torrents are up! Please help seed!

    PS: If you like our releases, please show your appreciation and support by participating in our Forum’s Kinnikuman Section.

    13 responses to “Kinnikuman Episode 01v2 (Anime)”

    1. Fire Hokuto says:

      Wohaaaa…. Kinnikuman E2 is back! Nice work!
      Thank you.

    2. Arcas says:



    3. tyliona says:

      Keep them coming!

    4. Urarenge2005 says:

      LOL, I don’t think noticed problems with the first release…… What were they?

    5. Sacola Man says:

      What changed?

    6. hagitro says:

      It would be great if the “Gyudon song” would have karaoke…

    7. sal says:

      What are the changes from v1 to v2? just curious. and thanks for releasing

    8. Chris says:

      I’ve noticed grammatical and spelling errors in both episodes. Maybe they fixed Ep2?

    9. wimmo says:

      There was the line where Detective Gobugari introduces himself and his police station which needed correcting. That’s about the only change we made for the V2 release along with a minor error near the end where Terryman calls out ‘Kinnikuman, here I come!’

      Glad you have noticed all of our grammatical and spelling errors in both our releases. There will not be a V2 release of episode 2 coming out, so you will have to make do with playing ‘spot the error’ in our next 134 releases of Kinnikuman. Sorry.

    10. @Chris:
      “Maybe they fixed?” and “Ep” needs a period after it. I suggest you work on your own grammar and spelling before you start criticizing ours.

    11. Jay says:

      Just did a random search because I saw some other group was working on Ep. 1 and found this place. And boy am I glad! Keep up the good work!

    12. Sacola Man says:

      when EP.4 will be released?

    13. Sugarman says:

      When its finished.

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