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    Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo Episode 01 (Anime)

    Here’s Episode 01 of the Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo Anime:
    AVI: Torrent | Megaupload
    MKV: Torrent | Megaupload

    Well here we are! This is the first release of Hokuto no Gun’s recent expansion, presented by HnG Hajike Fansubs, Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo! Special thanks to Wimmo for graciously ripping the DVDs twice and for providing a much-needed translation check, and to Super_Sonic and Walker Prescott for stepping in to make this release possible.

    A few notes about this release: We will release this anime in two formats: AVI and MKV. The MKV format will contain an “uncut dub track” as well as a Japanese track, for those of you that don’t mind listening to the dub.

    Now enjoy this insane adventure filled with nose hair,  pickles, and squirrels! Torrents will be up soon.

    Edit: Torrents are finally up. I skipped over the email by mistake.

    43 responses to “Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo Episode 01 (Anime)”

    1. Goty says:

      Woohoo, finally, Bobobo subbed!! thanks a lot guys!

    2. Bugley says:

      Infinite thank you for this

    3. Hunid says:

      Wow, been waiting for this :).

      Thanks HnG :)

    4. Elegan says:

      Thanks for the release. Keep up the great work :)

    5. Roll says:

      Wow… Thanks for this project :D I’ve always wanted to see Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo in japanese lol. Good job!

    6. getter says:

      My word…folks: Thanks so much for this! I’ve been waiting so long for another fansub group to try to tackled Bo^7 proper since Mugen got to ep 7 all those years ago. I’ve been watching those same first 7 episodes over and over again all this time. Going all the way on this in fine and proper quality is the stuff of legends. Best of luck—SO awesome.

    7. Anonymous says:

      This is awesome! I haven’t watched it since those old fansubs came out years ago. They stopped at 6 or 7, I hope you guys stick to this project! It is ridiculously hilarious.

      The effort is appreciated.

    8. Mick Hamblen says:

      well done

    9. Anonymous says:

      The English dub is 100% not worth having though…is there a difference in quality between the AVI and MKV versions?

    10. Amry says:

      Watched your release, it was great! It’s really hard to find Bobobo with Japanese audio, so your subs are greatly appreciated. Graphics quality is excellent, and I have no complaints about the translation either. Keep up the good work, and keep ’em coming!

    11. kanvar says:

      well, but what about the HnK projects ?

    12. Wimmo says:

      Excellent job guys!
      You’ve done an outstanding job on subbing this title! Can’t wait for the next episode!

    13. obocarale says:

      Thank you guys! bobobo is on of the most hilarious tv shows i’ve ever seen. And is the first time i saw a subbed version on DVD. (i’ve only saw the dubbed version in Spain, which is hilarious too, by the way)

      Great job! and thank you very much

    14. kaleyboy says:

      Awsome stuff.

    15. Kenshiro says:

      Freaken~ AWSOME great choice guys :D

      Keep it up ~

    16. Walker Prescott says:

      Hey– I might be making one last change to the fonts if you guys don’t mind. I just might have found the font that MUGEN used, which I think is cooler than Impress BT, no offense to Sonic.

    17. zamunda says:

      Nice. I think i laughed more than i did over the original. I know that this anime is full of logic, in fact it’s the most logical i’ve seen, but why is Pickle yellow but not green? 10x for the episode.

    18. MrGerbik says:

      i’ve never even heard of this… looks pretty zany tho, can’t wait to watch it.

    19. SystematicChaos says:

      @zamunda: Umm… this is the original. As for Pickle, he’s a Japanese pickle, which means he’s not necessarily made from cucumbers. Glad you enjoyed it though.

      @Prescott: Show it to me when you’re typesetting episode 2 and I’ll see what I think.

    20. Bobobobrain says:

      Thxn for for subbing bobobo. Been looking everywhere for the sub version.

    21. PyroQueen says:

      Ohhh, thank you!!!~~ I’ve been waiting forever for a subbed version! <33 You guys rock.

    22. Walker Prescott says:

      Gotchya. I just find Impress BT to be a bit bland-looking and generic, Bo-bobo needs something fresh. So yeah, I’ll do some experimenting.

    23. zamunda says:

      Alright, but i meant that this version is funnier than the dubbed one, especially when you’re a hokuto fan and can see the ougi references and stuff :P

    24. Devil Buffalo says:

      Great job with this! I always wanted to see this with all the original gags intact. I look forward to the next episode.

    25. Jolny says:

      I absolutely love that you’re doing this series. Do you need any help with TLC? I think the translation can be improved!

    26. Great job guys…I can’t wait to check out the fruit of your labor when I get back ;)

      @kanvar: HnK will resume in September after I return from my vacation abroad.

    27. Wimmo says:

      Was my Translation checking not up to par? I found the translation to be very accurate when I did it…

    28. SystematicChaos says:

      @kanvar: What LoH said. Patience is a virtue.

      @Anonymous: English dub track was added by request of the encoder. If you wanna know, ask him why.

    29. Hex21189 says:

      It’s finally happened. I believe this will deserve a donation :) … when i actually have the money :(

    30. Super_Sonic says:

      @Anonymous: That you don’t like the dub doesn’t mean that nobody does. And because this is uncut, I like it, too. And the uncut version also deserves an good quality release IMO. And if you don’t like it, just select the japanese track. That’s why both audio tracks are included.

    31. billylee8 says:

      Oh god this is hilarious…

    32. Jolny says:

      Translation is okay, I’d say. I’m not an japanese language expert in any way but lines like “Pickle, you’re not allowed!” was just weird. I’m not being an ass or anything but if you’d like I’d love to help with TLC etc. :)
      Maybe this is straight from DVD? :S

    33. Goty says:

      I don’t think it was weird, “you’re not allowed” sounded hilarious. Definitely better than, say, “Pickles, not you”.

    34. Sloggett says:

      Massive fan of the manga. Really hope you guys stick with subbing this show.

    35. zamunda says:

      If i haven’t seen the dubbed version, i would have never understood the “Picle you’re not allowed”. This line really felt kinda unappropriate, but other than that you did a great job.

    36. DonPaThankYou :) says:

      I can’t tell you how thankful I am that you picked this up……..I didn’t really want to learn Japanese just so I could watch bobobo :)

    37. Hex21189 says:

      Thanks for including the Dub track as well, I personally thought the dub was funny since it was so random (it’s like having two different tv shows in one.) Wish i could help with the translation checks (taking the level 3 jlpt so theoretically I should be able to do that,) but I am afriad I have very little knowledge of the cultural puns so I doubt I could be much use on this project. Also i hate to be an ass and ask this question but do you guys have any sort of release schedule, or is this just going to be something you do for fun during the your down time from the main series? Either way is fine, more or less I am just glad someone has gotten around to subbing this series.

    38. Hex21189 says:

      my bad on the last post, just noticed your “Progress” tab, that pretty much clears up my question.

    39. sal says:

      what can I say? Thank You

    40. Laven says:

      Looks pretty good, thanks!

    41. Ez says:

      awesome realese, i love the manga but i didn’t even know it has anime, any date for second chapter?

    42. B says:

      pretty damn funny

    43. africa says:

      Thank god someone finally decided to sub bobobo. I really wished the other company who started subbing bobobo could finish it, but as long as theres someone taking up this project I can at least have a shred of hope. BTW, anyone know where I can get the fansubbed episodes that stop at episode 7?

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