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    HnK Rei Gaiden ch.07

    LoverOfHokuto(Avatar)Here’s chapter 07 (HnK Rei manga): MediaFire

    Another day…another chapter…another BOOB-FEST!

    EDIT: Quick post! I just got back from visiting a friend of mine who was hospitalized…I’m packing now to leave on a business trip tomorrow…I’m then going to go on holiday for a month. In summary, I’m sorry to say that not much is going to get released from my end this week or next month. Maybe you’ll get some surprises though, just don’t expect too much.

    10 responses to “HnK Rei Gaiden ch.07”

    1. Genyosai says:


      I mean…


    2. mono says:

      the release was great too ;)

    3. Dukester says:

      You had me at boob-fest.

    4. B says:

      hahaha Nice!

      Shuuuuuuuuu! how u like em boooooooobs!

    5. Yanagi Kazunobu says:

      Rei is awesome. Thanks for the chapter!

    6. Grizzly Sigma says:

      Great job, keep the boobs coming…. I mean, keep the manga coming

    7. Tiamat says:

      rei gaiden gives you the most boobs for your buck

    8. wimmo says:

      Theres a lot of boob lovers out there ain’t there? hehehe….

    9. vegetahart says:

      Thanks for the boobs! I was hoping the assailant would’ve been revealed with this chapter!

    10. Pax says:

      thanks for the chapter
      it is quite entertaining :D

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