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    SnK vol.05 ch.45, 46, 47 & 48 (Manga)

    LoverOfHokuto(Avatar)Here’s chapter 45 (SnK manga): UploadJockey Here’s chapter 46 (SnK manga): UploadJockey Here’s chapter 47 (SnK manga): UploadJockey Here’s chapter 48 (SnK manga): UploadJockey

    Here’s 4 new chapters in record breaking times, thanks to our new translator/editor Onsokumaru! Now, to all the perverts out there (cough…Effatus …cough), rejoice and enjoy the ultimate Hokuto pervert, Zhang Tai-Yan :D

    Please don’t forget that we still urgently need a Japanese to English translator for the anime. Please join us if you have those skills, so we can finish off those 14 remaining episodes too.

    8 responses to “SnK vol.05 ch.45, 46, 47 & 48 (Manga)”

    1. Effatus says:

      LOL, Zhang Tai-Yan surely knows what’s most important!

    2. Dukester says:

      Holy crap, 8 chapters in the span of 8 days, great job guys. For those of you who don’t know I’m the second translator for the manga and my work will debut on chapter 53.

      I’m a vietnamese person who spent pretty much all of his life in Montreal (Canada), where people speak both french and english. I was seriously considering learning how to read Japanese just so I could read SnK :D, until I learned that the source of the manga that that were translated from this site was french, not japanese. Who knew that knowing french would actually be useful someday? Not only that, but I get to read the french raws up til vol 12, which is priceless.

      Now that my school work was done as of yesterday (permanently, I hope), I’ll be able to translate a chapter a day for the next 3 weeks or so. Which I hope is great news for SnK fans everywhere.

    3. Effatus says:

      That’s not great news…that’s ULTRA-CRAZY-TRIPLE-WHOPPER-NEWS!!!

      @LoverOfHokuto: Wasn’t I supposed to translate chapter 53? However, fine with me. If he really does a chapter a day, he’s more than a worthy successor to “Speedo Translato No Ken”. AAAAAAAAAAAATATATATA!!!

    4. @Dukester: We love you and you’re our hero ;)

      @Effatus: Sorry about that, you just told me you had a lot on your plate at the moment so I got things moving. I hope you didn’t start anything or I’ll feel like shit! If you ever want to jump back into translating, let me know and I’ll be happy to assign a chapter to you ;)

    5. Yanagi Kazunobu says:

      Thank you so much!

    6. josh says:

      Wow what a huge update. Thanks a lot.

    7. Dan says:

      Cám ỏn bạn!! I’m Vietnamese too and from Montreal, currently living in the US and I thank you very much for your hard work.

    8. crazyankan says:

      Uploaded the chapters on http://www.mydailymanga.com.
      Great job guys!

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