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    HnK Toki Gaiden ch.05

    LoverOfHokuto(Avatar)Here’s chapter 05 (HnK Toki manga): MediaFire

    “They’re coming to get you Barbara!”

    PS – For all you Italian fans, don’t forget to check out our scan providers www.hokutonoken.it for their Italian scanlation/s!

    PPS – Please visit and participate in our newly created forum to help our community grow: http://hokutonogun.invisionzone.com

    9 responses to “HnK Toki Gaiden ch.05”

    1. mono says:

      nice work. great chapter and release

    2. Vaz says:

      Raoh Gaiden: Ten no Haoh got licensed in the US: http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2009-07-01/sentai-filmworks-adds-fist-of-the-north-star-side-story
      So no HnG’s fansub, I guess :(

    3. Yeah it looks that way…sorry. The good news is we’ve still got plenty more Hokuto projects to keep us preoccupied ;)

    4. Raoh76 says:

      And this matters why?? (…he says while full knowing he isn’t the one taking on the tremendous hardship/work involved to sub the series himself :)

    5. Raoh76 says:

      ‘License-Smichense’…that’s what I say

    6. @Raoh76:
      Thanks for your support, but I know Vaz wasn’t saying it in a bad way. He’s actually an Italian fansubber who appreciates our work (and he’s always been there for us), so I’m sure he was just looking forward to seeing the HnG touch on the series. Regardless, let’s wait and see how good the subs will be because we might be tempted to make some srt. or ass. files if they’re terrible.

    7. Vaz says:

      Yes, that’s exactly what I meant. Sometimes the “official” US subs are full of mistakes, for example 009-1.
      Btw, do you know if there’ll be new HnK anime in the future? Honestly, Ten no Haoh’s animation was pretty bad and I’m still hoping for a TV series decently made :S (I guess it’s a common opinion that Souten no Ken sucks beyond imagination)

    8. Last I heard, North Star Pictures were thinking of doing something with Souten no Ken. Hara and Buronson were not directly involved in the TV series (done by Universal), so I’m kind of hoping they’ll make an OVA series that takes out the boring parts of the first 10 volumes and focuses more on Hokuto/Nanto masters. There’s always hope we might get another Gaiden TV series too, but there’s no word yet. Quite a lot of people like Toki and Rei Gaiden though, so it’d be great to see these.

    9. Yanagi Kazunobu says:

      OVA series for SnK would be niice.

      Thanks for the chapter!

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