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    SnK vol.04 ch. 42, 43, 44 & Complete SnK vol.04 (Manga)

    LoverOfHokuto(Avatar)Here’s chapter 42 (SnK manga): UploadJockey Here’s chapter 43 (SnK manga): UploadJockey Here’s chapter 44 (SnK manga): UploadJockey
    And Hokuto Volume Slap…
    Here’s Volume 04 (SnK manga): MediaFire

    Volume 04 has been crushed!
    Well actually, many thanks go to Onsokumaru (our new translator/editor) who saved the day by translating and editing the last 2 chapters at great and manly speeds :D Want more good news? Another amazing translator called Dukester has joined the team, and he’s now currently translating the latter chapters of volume 5. So yes, you heard me correctly, we now have two translators for the SnK manga!!! This means that you lucky fellas are gonna get some quick bulk chapters later on thanks to these guys, so please thank them and the rest of the staff for their hard work.

    Now with that being said, please don’t forget that we still urgently need a Japanese to English translator for the anime. Please join us if you have those skills, so we can finish off those 14 remaining episodes too.

    12 responses to “SnK vol.04 ch. 42, 43, 44 & Complete SnK vol.04 (Manga)”

    1. Baki says:

      Thanks again for all u do, but i find it demanding to make people say thanks. You’re not the one that decides whether or not we should thank u. Btw i saw some error on chapter 42 page 2 “I believe they want to look into YOU association with the Hong Hua Hui”.

    2. effatus says:


    3. @Baki:
      Firstly, it’s my site and I can say what I want! Secondly, a lot of people don’t thank people like us who take time out of their lives for people like you. So when new members join the team, I like to give them a warm welcome, and I ask, NOT DEMAND, that everyone else also let them know that they are appreciated for everything they do. It’s really annoying when people like you complain about shit like that.

      As for the mistake…shit happens.

    4. effatus says:

      @loverofhokuto: Well spoken, man of Hokuto.

      @Baki: Feel free to join the team and do a little translating/typesetting. If after that you still find loverofhokuto guilty of demanding too much thanks for the team, I’ll help you slaughter this mean villain.

    5. @Effatus: Well said, my Hokuto brother.

      Oh, and thank you lol :D

    6. Yanagi Kazunobu says:

      Thank you!

    7. Baki says:

      I’m gay and I take it up the ass.

    8. Ahhh, everything makes sense now.

    9. Effatus says:

      And we took him seriously…

    10. Vegetahart says:

      Wow, great news about the new translators guys!

      I love this manga, to me its FAR MORE superior to the anime, so selfishly speaking, I’m glad you guys found a manga translator first! All the best in hunting a down a jap to eng translator for the anime.

      Thanks again guys!

    11. ShinigamiGrahf says:

      Great job! Keep it up!

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