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    HnK Rei Gaiden ch.04

    LoverOfHokuto(Avatar)Here’s chapter 04 (HnK Rei manga): MediaFire

    Here’s chapter 4 of Rei Gaiden!
    I’m finally back, but I need a few days to catch up to my real work and the numerous HnK/SnK work the HnG team slapped on me during my absence ;)

    14 responses to “HnK Rei Gaiden ch.04”

    1. dxInt says:

      Haha, you release a new episode and a new chapter within four days of one another, and this is your “catching up” speed?

      Awesome as usual, I see ;)

    2. Wimmo says:

      Er….yeah sorry boss!!
      I thought I should remain active throughout your absence to keep the cushion of work healthy!!

    3. Sho says:

      Lol welcome back and take your time. On a lighter note….. Move it!!!! It took my old crew less time to put vhs out to the fans through snail mail!!!! Oh hell I’ve just dated myself cause most of your were probably in diapers those days lol.

    4. Janny says:

      Thanks, this is hot.

    5. Dukester says:

      Nuclear apocalypse just got a lot sexier!

    6. Lord Dio says:

      They appear to be taking this in a very different direction than the main HnK story (gargantuan, muscular, bald/mohawked thugs replaced by sexy, scantily-clad female warriors), but it’s certainly entertaining so far.

    7. farcus says:

      i’m having trouble downloading it. it says “Invalid File. This error has been forwarded to MediaFire’s development team.” can some put up another link. thanks

    8. @farcus:

      It worked for me, so just keep trying. Mediafire can be weird sometimes.

    9. @farcus:
      It worked for me, so just keep trying. Mediafire can be weird sometimes.

    10. Tiamat says:

      thanks a lot!! but also…

      would someone please update this whenever you make a new release? it still says there are no releases on mangaupdates. i would update but i can’t


    11. @Tiamat:
      Believe me, I’ve tried! For example, I’ve sent them two emails already regarding this issue, but not only have they not mentioned the new HnK Gaidens, they’ve also:

      1. Not updated the SnK releases (still stuck on ch. 103).
      2. Not updated Jagi Gaiden (only 4 chapters of it).
      3. Not changed Jagi Gaiden from Souten Scans to Hokuto no Gun Scans as I requested.

      Therefore, you guys really need to bug them to update their site ’cause I really don’t know what else I can do. The other option is of course, to just keep checking this site because we actually make the releases.

    12. Tiamat says:

      Yeah I’ll be sure to check this site every now and then, that really sucks they aren’t responding. When you search for manga it still says “global searching is undergoing a fix” and it has been saying that for like a year or something lol.

      Keep up the good work. :)

    13. dridly says:

      Rei Gaiden chapter 04 link no available!

    14. It should work now.

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